Thursday, January 25, 2024

The RRRRRRRRs Have It! My Revved up 2024 To Do List . . .by Nancy Gideon

(Brought to you by the letter “R” . . . ) 

Time to Rrrrrrrring in the New Year with Rrrrrrrresolutions. In 2024, the RRRRRRRRs have it on my “To Do” list (Not to be confused with Argh! This isn’t going to be a “Talk Like a Pirate” post!). Here’s my plan to rrrrrrrrev up my writing career . . .
  1. Reverted Romances! Recently, I’ve had a nice chunk of my Nancy Gideon and Dana Ransom backlist contractually returned to me. Some of these go back to the late ‘80s/early ‘90s! I can’t wait to get back into them to bring them up to date.
  2. Reissue Backlist Titles! That goodly stack of contemporary, historical, and paranormal titles back in my possession need to be refreshed, reformatted, and re-covered before going back out to new (and previous!) readers.
  3. Revitalize Social Media Platforms! I admit, though I LOVE to promote, I’m not saavy in all the latest venues for reaching readers (Thank goodness for my Virtual Asst!). Time to do homework . . .
  4. Rebuilding my reader list! Do newsletters and Facebook alone do the trick? What are some great places I’m missing?
  5. Jacks Ryan and Reacher! Just throwing these names out there as GREAT inspirations for heroes. Brains and brawn in varying yummy portions.
  6. Reviews! Need to collect some new ones. Any takers?
  7. Relax! Though I did take a fabulous trip to New Orleans with my assistant in Oct/Nov that was more work than play. This girl needs a spa day!
  8. Re-imagine! Since I’ve been working on novels since the ‘70s and ‘80s, some of those efforts are still languishing in notebooks and plastic bins. Time to thumb through them for hidden gems. I’ve already been surprised more than once by oldies but goodies still written in pencil!
That’s my list, so hold me to it!!
Nancy Gideon on the Web

1 comment:

Jessica E. Subject said...

Sounds like a busy year ahead! Good thing you have relaxing in there, too! I look forward to seeing what you release and re-release this year!