In my sci-fi romance, Life for Sale, the heroine is March Morgan, who has now married Christian Aguillard, a sentient, entirely human-like android capable of emotions, up to and including love. In fact Christian was programmed to love March when she signed on the dotted line, paying an exorbitant price for him. But she couldn't resist once she'd met him. Would you agree he's worth it?
March, shall we begin?
What is your greatest
In men: Tall, blonde, blue eyes. I prefer long hair. The man must have a sense of
humor and be intelligent. Charming and handsome are big bonuses. (she laughs) I’ve
just described Christian. I should have asked him to come along. If you passed
him on the street, you’d take a look but not because he’s an android. Because
he’s a hunk.
In food: I’m particularly fond of seafood but won’t turn down a nice steak
prepared Pittsburg style (charred on the outside; rare inside).
In clothes: Tadashi Shoji, but I usually can’t afford him unless I find a dress on
eBay. So, I settle for pretty business suits to wear to work.
What is your greatest weakness (example: buying shoes)? Other than Christian? I’d have to say Shoji’s
fashions though I wouldn’t rule out shoes.
If you could have any kind of car, what would it be? Red 1964 Jaguar XKE
Your dream home - mountains or ocean? Ocean. I love to watch the waves and listen to them whispering to me.
Christian and I live by Galveston Bay, and I absolutely love it. When a storm grumbles
and the sea is restless, the view is exquisite. So, inspiring I want to paint.
Good thought, poor resolution—I can’t even draw a straight line.
What is your favorite book? Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee. It’s a
coming of age story about a rich, young woman and a completely human-like android.
I loved that book long before I met Christian. I adore Tanith Lee’s writing
style. Have you ever read Dark Dance? It’s a paranormal. I’d highly recommend
the Silver Metal Lover series and Dark Dance.
If your life were made into a movie, what actress would you want to
play you and who for Christian? For me, Marilyn Monroe, but, unfortunately, I
look nothing like her. For Christian, definitely Travis Fimmel (pre-Viking
days. Like this photo but imagine him a year or two older. Even now, I swoon
over the half-dressed photo, do you? Hint: Christian looks just as good
half-naked…or without a stitch on. (She smiles)

If you were given the opportunity to spend a day with any person,
living or dead, who would it be? Queen Victoria. She was such a power unto
herself. She might have been petite like me, but she ruled Britain with the iron
fist in the velvet glove. After his death, she mourned her Albert for the rest
of her life. That is the kind of love I dreamed of but could never find until, a
tiny ad in a woman’s magazine advertising Love for Sale. With great
trepidation, I followed my heart and he was waiting at the end of my journey. I
saw him and the emptiness inside disappeared. I had to have him. I cleaned out
my 401K to buy him, you understand, but despite the danger we now face, I don’t
regret signing on that dotted line or one penny spent.
Do you have a hobby? I read quite a lot. I have been known to
crochet a bad hat. I’ve just taken up snorkeling in preparation for our cruise
from the Turks and Caicos. We heard that the snorkeling was fantastic at
Smith’s Reef on the largest of the 40 islands (called Provid by locals) that make
up the T&C. Christian won’t have any problem managing the fins, but there’s
a short circuit somewhere between my brain and my feet.
How do you maintain an android? Believe it or not, they come with
operating instructions and a maintenance guide as well as guidelines on how to deactivate
your android, heaven forbid. Each has a kill switch hidden in different places
on the body. I feel like that would be murder. Since they are basically built
to be immortal, the only real concerns is the liquid to use in tears, for
example. There are other fluids that must be replenished, but this is a PG
post. The reservoirs, with too much use…can run dry. (she blushes) At that
point, you can order said liquids from Mayfair and DIY, or you can return to
Mayfair to have it done. Under the circumstances, you can return to Mayfair and
let them do it. Ours aren’t normal at all. We and three other Special Editions
are on the run from their creator.
As to the care and feeding of your perfect lover, he or she must go into
Sleep Mode somewhere near a power outlet, not necessarily an electrical plug-in
but any power source will do, and will come awake refreshed and ready to go.
The Special Editions do not have a digestive system and do not eat. Other than
these minor lacks, you can’t tell them from human. Immediately, and today, I
continue to, think of Christian as human. His brain may be a computer and his
heart a central processor, but he is the man I love.
Life for Sale is Book II in the Tomorrow's Angels series. The first book is Love for Sale. Here's the blurb for the series.
Tomorrow’s Angels: Series Blurb
Mayfair Electronics has created life.
In Love for Sale, the high-tech electronics company, in black
and white, offers “love for sale”. Mayfair has engineered sentient androids
indistinguishable from humans. March Morgan flies to England and meets the man
she has been searching for her entire life. Christian requires no programming
to love March at first sight, but her past and his future soon threaten their
happiness—and their lives.
In the sequel, Life for Sale, four of the Special
Editions have escaped. Rebel, Christian and March are on the run, but they have a bigger problem
than his creator's plan to destroy him. They've discovered that one of the
renegades has suffered a dangerous malfunction, threatening them with more than
just exposure. March and Christian must stop the insane robot before someone
else dies. All the evidence points to March being the killer's next victim.
Excerpt of Life for Sale:
March shivered again, rested her face on his chest.
“Hold me until I stop trembling.” Tears she didn’t want him to see welled in
her eyes. The whole ghastly business had to be hard on a man encoded to protect
not harm humans.
Her AI angel stroked her hair, and a sob broke through
her control. She squeezed her eyes shut, battling tears.
“Shush, dear. It’s over now,” but he didn’t sound
confident. The thing buried in the backyard could tear them apart or
worse. Any slight misstep, and they both
faced Death in all his chilling glory.
“I love you,” she whispered.
He brushed a kiss to her lips and pulled her
For some time, they stood. taking comfort from holding
each other and simply being, then,
hand-in-hand, they walked, when they wanted to run, to the house. Christian had
switched on the overhead light in the anteroom. In the brilliance, it was
possible to pretend the past few minutes hadn’t occurred. Again the tears
threatened, and he held her until she’d regained control. She straightened,
gazing into his eyes. Battered emotions stained them darker blue. Mayfair
hadn’t missed even that small detail. He cradled her face between his hands and
kissed her tenderly, his lips soft and his body close. In a lifetime of
searching, she’d never have found anyone like him. If she were to lose him…she
couldn’t imagine living without him.
Once, Mayfair had taken him away. They could do it again—and there was
absolutely nothing she could do about it. The golden ring on the third finger
of his left hand should protect Christian from Mayfair, but who’d investigate a
missing robot, or even believe her in the first place?
With almost religious fervor, she and Christian had
adhered to Mayfair’s first commandment. Above all, the company demanded
secrecy. The Special Editions passed for human, and no one was ever to know
that Mayfair had engendered life, but at any moment Aguillard, the wild card
for whom the Christian line was named, might renege on the freedom he’d
grudgingly bestowed.
Her cell rang, ending their moment of respite.
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Happy Holidays, everyone! Be happy, be healthy, and have fun.