Thursday, July 25, 2024

Allow Me to Tempt You . . . with a S*A*L*E! MIDNIGHT TEMPTATION – Just $0.99! by Nancy Gideon

I know this is getting posted late but better late than never when it comes to the final seven days of a great SALE . . . leading, next month, into another . . . in strangely reversed series order.

My MIDNIGHT vampire romance series was such an exciting project for me. Begun with the sale of MIDNIGHT KISS as the first in a series of three paranormal books (back when series were the extremely rare exception to the rule! Watch for MK’s SALE next month!) I just fell in love with its over-arcing hero, Louis Radman (by many other names!) who’d stalked through centuries due to a jealous curse from a witch. His greatest joy is his remarkable daughter, Nicole, a conception thought impossible between him and his human wife. That mixed heritage has Nicole walking the line between day and night, uncertain of who or what she is . . . until her search for the truth brings an exciting love along with shocking answers. Here’s a sample . . .

Midnight Temptation (Touched by Midnight - Book 2)

Published: August 14, 2015
Length: 256 Pages

 The Excerpt 

And then her gaze settled far back in the shadows, upon the figure of a man in stark silhouette. She saw him jerk as if with some shock of recognition, then he took one gliding step forward to the edge of lamplight.

Reflection played an eerie game upon his face, highlighting skin so fair it seemed translucent and hollows so sharp and deep they were like caverns; a face so startling, so unnaturally beautiful she came close to stumbling in her study. Beneath an arch of black brows, eyes of an icy, luminous blue entranced her. And even as she jerked her head away, she caught the impression of his smile; serene and sinister all at once.

Nicole had never seen the Devil, but on this night, she was sure he walked abroad. And she was just as certain that he followed safely back amongst the shadows. She could feel him, an essence so powerful, it frightened her. But the moment they crossed the bridge, the sensations faded, and she knew he was gone. But the fear lingered, lending a quickness to her heartbeats and an anxious panic to her mind.

And we thought puberty was difficult! Imagine finding out your parents had hidden THAT big a secret from you along with access to the world she longed to explore.

I confess, seeing a traveling production of Les Miz on stage was a huge incentive for the setting (though I don’t remember it as featuring vampires!). Dawn of the Revolution France created the prefect background for upheaval and confusion between classes . . . and, in this case, species. Grab up a copy on the cheap and cue up the soundtrack for Les Mis for an dangerously enjoyable escape.

Watch for another sneak peek at Weekend Writing Warriors  this weekend . . .

Nancy Gideon on the Web

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time to Kill - MIDNIGHT SURRENDER - $0.99 S*A*L*E! by Nancy Gideon

The best thing about having a sizable backlist is the fun of revisiting titles when they go on sale – especially when that task pulls you into a world that you adore. My MIDNIGHT vampire romance series was my first venture into the dark paranormal world I loved (and still love!) to read. MIDNIGHT SURRENDER is the third book of three contracted back in the early ‘90s when WooWoo books were the new “thing” in the publishing industry. For me, it had become a “thing” back in the mid-60s when DARK SHADOWS appeared in often out of focus black and white on our living room console TV. I’d run home from school to get lost in the drama of tragic vampire Barnabas Collins yearning to become human so he could be with the woman he loved. Sigh . . . So, when I met with my new agent in New York and he asked if I’d consider writing paranormal romance, I had no qualms about promising a three-book series . . . even without a storyline. 

Then I “met” Louis Radman, whose mysterious malady brought him to Arabella Howland’s father in Regency London to find a cure for his (cough cough) blood disease in MIDNIGHT KISS. Little did I know that these characters would compel me to write five more titles for ImaJinn Books, the publisher who brought the first three back to life. MIDNIGHT SURRENDER was the final book of the original trio, taking our tragic hero into a new century to find a surprisingly independent new love. But a dark past is hard to escape. And therein lies the shadowy twists of love and madness that newspaper editor Cassie Alexander struggles to escape while pursuing a story that could save her father’s publishing legacy.

Have a taste of MIDNIGHT SURRENDER . . . now on SALE!

Midnight Surrender (Touched by Midnight - Book 3)

Published: October 1, 2015
Length: 236 Pages

Hunt or be hunted . . . A centuries old obsession stalks a noble family fighting to hide their dark secret from an ever-changing world. Sink your teeth into Nancy Gideon's Touched by Midnight series.

A Reckless Quest . . .
A savage killer stalks the dark streets of turn-of-the-century New York. To keep her father’s newspaper afloat, publisher Cassie Alexander chases the story. But what she catches is a madman’s attention.

A Dark Deception . . .
When her reclusive neighbor Louis Radcliffe rescues her from an attack, Cassie finds her vow of independence shaken by the strong attraction between them. It’s an attraction Louis denies, even as the invalid grandmother he cares for pushes to bring them together—for reasons that will break both their hearts.

An Inevitable Sacrifice . . . .
Determined to hide his secrets from her, Louis soon becomes the cornerstone of Cassie’s investigation. He can’t allow her stubbornness to place her life—and his immortal soul—in danger. But as much as he tries to keep her safe in his arms, it soon becomes evident that Cassie’s become a target. And Louis has no choice but to find out if their love is strong enough to withstand the truth . . . .

“Gripping! Readers are pulled into a whirlwind while surrendering their souls!”— Gothic Journal

“Darkly sensual and suspenseful Midnight Surrender is nothing short of special! Lovers of vampire romances take notice!”—The Literary Times

“Gideon mesmerizes with this chilling tale. You’ll read it and read it again. Superb!”— Rendezvous

 The Excerpt 

With a movement that managed to appear both languid and too fast to follow, Gerard was stretched out on the bed beside her, his words a husky rumble. “Say you have decided to have me over Gino and make me the happiest of men.”

Arabella laughed at the absurdity of his plea. “What would you do with an old woman?”

His jewel-like eyes dazzled. “Time means nothing to me, cara. I see you as I saw you on your wedding day.” And, as he lifted her hand to his lips, that hand that bore Louis’s ring was no longer withered with age or tracked by spidery blue veins, but fair and full and soft; a young woman’s hand. Arabella drew a startled breath as he vowed, “You are still beautiful to me.”

She put her other hand to her face and felt the taut skin of a twenty-year-old instead of roughened parchment. “What trickery is this?” She pulled away, upset and confused, then remembered with whom she was dealing. “You wrap lies in the illusion of truth. That’s what Louis told me.”

A soft chuckle. “Louis . . . I cannot think of him by that name. They are not all lies, pretty Bella. I can make this illusion last a lifetime. Can he do the same?”

“You can make me ‘believe’ I’m young again.”

“A minor point of interpretation.”

“I think not.”

Oh, I’ve got shivers!  And I’ve got MORE news . . . MIDNIGHT TEMPTATION, the preceding book in the series, will be on sale next month from July 16 to 31, so if you want to read them in order – at a great price! – you can save MIDNIGHT SURRENDER (if you can wait!) to read afterwards. And in this hideous heat that’s pressing down on us in the Midwest, that sounds like a fabulous alternative to going anywhere beyond the expectant turn of a page. 

Happy Reading . . . and stay cooool!

Nancy Gideon on the Web

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Taken by The Siren by @meganslayer #romance #paranormal #eroticromance #siren @changelingpress


Taken by the Siren (Taken 3)
A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel by Megan Slayer
$4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24


Michael came home to heal his broken heart. He had no idea he'd find the love of his life in a siren....


Michael Blessing thought he had everything he ever wanted when he met his wife. Then he found out the truth, and his world was shattered by a car accident. Coming home to Eerie was supposed to be his time to heal his broken heart.

The siren had other ideas.

Lia Darling never forgot the shy, handsome young man she’d known when they were children. Seeing Michael again awakens a need within her she can’t explain or deny, but she’s been hurt before. She doesn’t want another dead end, and when she looks into his eyes, she sees forever.

Maybe this second chance is just what they need to heal, move forward and find love… together.


Buy it Today
Pre-Order Now
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble



All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2023 Megan Slayer

“Home,” Michael Blessing murmured as he drove past the city limit line into Eerie. He hadn’t been back in so long. Seemed like the day he left was the last day he thought about his hometown. Silly, really. Eerie wasn’t a bad place. It was quaint. Like a storybook town. The buildings were whimsical, full of gingerbread and swirls, plus glitter and bright paint. The streets were clean and the sidewalks wide. The flowers blossomed brighter, and the people seemed to welcome everyone back.

There wasn’t a stranger in Eerie -- except humans. They were all strangers, but he wasn’t a human. His Fae father had married a woman who knew witchcraft. They’d been a good pairing, and Michael had the best childhood. Everyone thought his mother was human, but he hadn’t cared. He was loved.

His parents were still alive and still cared about him. He was their son, and they’d always love him, but they had no idea the depths of loneliness he felt. They didn’t understand the grief he dealt with on a daily basis.

The woman he loved was dead. The moment he’d seen Chloe, he knew he wanted her for the rest of his life. She’d be the best partner and eventually would make him a father.

Then she had, but she died.

He hadn’t been able to manage the grief, not even a year and a half later. He needed somewhere to hide. Eerie wasn’t the place to hide. Most everyone in town stood out. Witches, Elves, Faeries, gargoyles, shifters and every other kind of paranormal creature was there.

But he had a cabin in the woods on the other side of town, with a pier on the lake and plenty of space to be quiet, to hide and regroup. No one would bother him. He could write and be alone with no one bugging him, making him come out of himself or pleading with him to be social.

He didn’t have any social in him.

Not today. Not this week. Maybe not ever.

His magic had dried up, too.

Did he care? A little, but not as much as he should. He drove through town, then onto the side road leading to the woods. The beauty of Eerie was that everyone had a space. The lake, the village, the little cottages, the woods… If a paranormal creature wanted a space, there was one. If he wanted to hide at his cabin and write, then practice his magic, then he could.

No one would annoy him.

He pulled into the dirt path that led to his cabin. The second he wound through the trees to his little house, he felt better. Like he belonged.

But that was always the way he felt when he came here. His heart was in the woods, among the trees and peace. Maybe he was always meant to be alone. Chloe had seen the most in him -- more than anyone -- but she was gone, and he had to pick up the pieces.

He pulled into the dirt patch next to the cabin and parked. As the engine cooled, he debated what to do. He needed to put up the carport to protect the Jeep -- not from the falling branches, but the leaves, rain and debris. He supposed he could use his magic to protect the vehicle, too. Probably should do that. It’d be a reason to practice his magic and prevent too much damage to his Jeep.

Despite needing to put the carport together, he left his vehicle and headed into the cabin. The place would need a lot of cleaning up, but he could use those tasks to procrastinate instead of writing.

He carried his bag into the cabin, then set about to put the tarp, PVC and canvas carport up. If nothing else, the carport would hide his vehicle, and maybe if anyone saw the lights on, they’d leave him alone.

He hated being so despondent and crabby, but he’d been hurt and had no idea how to get over his loss.

An hour later, he managed to secure the Jeep in the carport and even cleaned up the living room enough for living. He added a bit of magic to the carport, adding extra strength to the canvas to protect his vehicle. He’d murmured the words and checked to ensure the spell had gone correctly. Sure enough, it had, and he grinned.

At least one thing had gone his way.

He headed back into the house, and his stomach grumbled. He should eat, but there wasn’t anything in the fridge. Hell, the fridge hadn’t even been turned on. He needed to make a run to the store, but also should set up the Internet, too.

He cleaned the dust from the living room, then set about getting the kitchen in order. He removed the sheets around the house to reveal the furniture and, as he worked, he swore he heard music.

A familiar song. Sweet, too.

He paused, and his thoughts turned to a song he remembered from his childhood. A girl he’d known had sung the song, but probably never where she thought anyone could hear her.

He chuckled to himself. He hadn’t thought about that girl or the song in ages. What was her name? She’d been a sweet young woman, with flame-red hair and fiery eyes. She rarely spoke, but she’d filled out quickly and wore revealing clothes. She grabbed attention wherever she went, but no one really got to know her.

He knew her name. He’d lusted after her the entire time they were in school.



Friday, May 24, 2024

As Luck Would Have It / Love’s Own Reward $0.99 S*A*L*E!

Talk about a busy holiday weekend – this one has it all going on! Both a Paranormal Romantics AND Weekend Writing Warrior post due (this one is doing double duty!!), a book sale to promote, our holiday snack feast to prepare AND time, amongst all those things, to get a year older! And no, I’m not giving any particular number away. I’d be sitting in a rocking chair, but I have too much to do. Maybe I’ll rest next year.

Since “Luck” is our word of the weekend (and the idea of “luck” can be paranormal-ish, can’t it?), I’m hyping a sale for one of my “Lucky In Love” contemporary romances. LOVE’S OWN REWARD—the first in a four-book contract for my alter ego, Dana Ransom—is just $0.99 for you e-readers (a buck and change!) through the end of the month (with an extra day thrown in as May has 31 days!).

Preview Book

Published: May 27, 2014
Length: 190 Pages

Her act of courage destroys everything . . .
Charlene “Charley” Carter risked her life to rescue a child from a burning car. Suddenly, the quiet research assistant becomes a media darling—and a half-million dollars richer, thanks to the boy’s grateful grandparents. But big money brings big moochers and bigger betrayals. Charley retreats, wounded and suspicious about the motives of even those dearest to her.

He doesn’t trust that she’s for real . . .
Jess McMasters exposes frauds for a living, and if it means using his charms as well as his tough skills as a journalist, no problem. What’s Charlene Carter trying to gain by refusing to be interviewed by the press? Is she angling for more money—or is she hiding secrets that prove she’s nobody’s hero?

Jess goes undercover to get close to her, but the closer he gets, the less he understands. Except this: the cost for his deception could be his own heart.

 The Excerpt 

Confronting her was the nicest denim-molded backside she’d ever seen. Whoever was rummaging about in the vegetable crisper of her refrigerator, it definitely wasn’t Alan Peters!

Charley must have made some noise, for the forager called back cheerfully, “Good morning. Over easy or scrambled?” With one look at her stunned features, he nodded to himself. “Scrambled.”

( . . . and a bit more . . .)

Charley’s mouth opened and closed several times in soundless wonder. Who on earth was this absolutely gorgeous man taking control of her kitchen with more natural ease than she’d ever managed? She just stared—she couldn’t help it. With his untidy brown hair finger-combed back from a moody brow and startlingly gray eyes, an overnight stubble darkening his firm jaw to make his mouth appear disarmingly soft in contrast, white cotton sweatshirt clinging to broad shoulders and exposing very masculine forearms, bare feet beneath the hem of the blue jeans she’d already noticed in far too much detail, “ruggedly bed-rumpled” was the only way to describe him. And that evoked a more alarming question.

Where had he spent the night?

My plan, around preparing all those snacks(!), is to binge the entire 10-episode BAND OF BROTHERS series, privately cheering, sighing, and weeping in our basement family room (as I did last year!). What a fantastic epic. My dad was in the Pacific theater and was at home on leave when news of Pearl Harbor pulled him back into the thick of it in the medical corps – something he never talked about unless it was a funny story. My books feature fictional heroes, but in my heart and mind, my dad was the real deal!

This Memorial weekend, take time out to remember the reason. Go to a parade. Thank a veteran. Say a prayer. And fly your flag!

Nancy Gideon on the Web

Friday, May 10, 2024

"Abalim" - A Journey of Love and Peril Across the Cosmos by Keri Kruspe


As the end of May draws near, I find myself excited as well as having a touch of nervous anticipation for the release of my latest novel, “Abalim,” coming out on May 29th. This book, with its blend of science fiction and romance, is a project close to my heart. Let me give you a brief overview of what’s in store with this tale.

Crafting a Tale Across the Stars

“Abalim” sets the stage for the upcoming series: Alien Legacy Brotherhood. Here’s a brief look at the series:

Thousands of years ago, five brothers engineered as slaves by an alien race, endowed with hidden psychic powers that allowed them to break free and escape through time to our era. Now, in a future where liberty is fragile, these former slaves are thrust into a critical mission: to rescue four women who disappeared on their way to an alien exchange program.

These women are essential since they’ve since become pawns in a much larger game. An alien invasion from another dimension is imminent. The Krystalii, a race of psychic, crystal-based entities, aim to purge our universe of organic life to make room for their own expansion. Their first target? Human women, whose genetic makeup is key to their rapid reproduction plans, are necessary to build an army large enough to overthrow established governments.

The brothers are tasked to locate and protect each woman destined to be with them, traversing hostile planets—from stark desert moons to dense jungle worlds. The journey is fraught with danger, betrayal, and unexpected love, pushing each brother to his limits.

Galactic tensions rise and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Can the brothers overcome their dark pasts and prevent the Krystalii from executing their ruthless agenda? Or will their newfound freedom be short-lived?

Book 1: Abalim

Name: Abalim

Species: Hybrid Human/Various Alien DNA

Age: Unknown–mid thirties

Occupation: After traveling 7000 years from Earth’s past to stop an alien invasion, he has volunteered to rescue a human woman who’d been kidnapped in space from a legitimate alien exchange program.

Sidekick: JR15—a silver/emerald green spider-shaped AI droid

The worst thing to ever happen to him: He was created along with four brothers as slaves in Earth’s distant past by an alien race called the Akurns. While a slave, he underwent physical and psychological tests and torture.

His biggest secret: He and his brothers have practically endless psionic abilities and are driven by deep emotional needs to protect those he cares for. His psychic powers might give him an advantage, but it also makes him vulnerable to the darker aspects of his nature.

His goal: Find Lisa held captive by galactic gangsters. A woman who’s haunted him in his Dreamwalks late at night. 

The problem: A new, sinister force from another dimension is hell-bent on capturing Lisa for their dark experiments. It’s a fight against time on who can find her first.

Name: Lisa Ivy

Species: Human

Age: 32

Occupation: Successful SciFi Romance author. Accepted an invitation from the Zerins attending an alien exchange program to find her one true love.

The worst thing to ever happen to her: Kidnapped by a trusted liaison in the exchange program and ended up on a gangster planet with four other women. From there she ends up on a planet of unemotional aliens who want her to judge a life-and-death situation for an entire peaceful species. If she makes the wrong decision, not only will that species be eliminated, but Abalim and she will suffer the same fate.

Her secret desire: She left life on Earth without a backward glance, since the men she'd met treated her superficially at best. To give herself one more chance at love, she swallowed her vulnerability to find true love with an alien of her dreams. And lately these dreams have been of a dark, handsome man whose very touch sets her on fire.

Her goal: Live long enough for this man to find her.

The problem: The extraterrestrials holding her captive have temped her with the promise of freedom. Of course there’s a catch: she must work with Abalim and undergo a grueling, otherworldly trial. Can she take the chance and revel in who she is inside, the scars, and all with the man who haunts her dreams?

The Blurb

With enemies closing in, can their newfound love survive the life-threatening trial ahead?

In a future where Earth narrowly escaped alien domination, Abalim, a human-alien hybrid from our ancient past, wields extraordinary psychic abilities. Haunted by a world he barely recognizes; he plunges into a perilous quest across the cosmos. His mission? To rescue a human woman named Lisa, a spirited science fiction romance author, was snatched by ruthless space pirates from an interstellar exchange program and sold to an advanced species called the Xeltrians. In the depths of space, as Abalim nears her location, he's seduced by vivid, psychic dreams of Lisa, igniting an uncontrollable passion between them.

Lisa, awakening in an alien world, confronts a harrowing reality far from the romanticized extraterrestrial cultures she once wrote about. Her fate hinges on how she survives the Quandary of Existence, a high-stakes trial the Xeltrians forced her and Abalim to face together. The fate of the galaxy rests on the life and death choices they make.

Now, with their journey fraught with danger, a new, sinister force emerges. Beings from another dimension are hell-bent on capturing Lisa for their dark experiments. Abalim and Lisa find themselves thrust into a desperate fight against time as their formidable foes grow stronger by the minute. Even in this desperate chance of survival, they discover an escalating need for each other. As adversaries advance to tear them apart, their burgeoning bond becomes their greatest strength.

Why "Abalim" is a Must-Read

“Abalim” is more than a novel; it's a journey that challenges the very notions of love and duty. As I wrote this, I aimed to create a universe where every choice had profound implications involving the heart’s deepest desires as our heroes navigate the stark realities of a universe in flux. 

So, join me on May 29th (or... you can preorder the ebook now for 0.99 OR if you can't wait, the paperback is available everywhere - just click HERE.) for the launch of an unforgettable cosmic odyssey that weaves a tapestry of love, resilience, and the human spirit's indomitable will to exist against all odds.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Filigree and Fur by @meganslayer #gay #gayromance #wolfshifter #billiondollarwolf @pridepublishing



Filigree and Fur By Megan Slayer

Book 3 in the Billion Dollar Wolf series

Paranormal M/M Contemporary Romance


Pride Publishing


Two lone wolves finding common threads and love.

Grove Meade likes his computers and his solitary life. He can come and go as he pleases and only answers to the pack leaders when they need his specialized skills. He won’t deny he’s one lonely wolf, but love isn’t in his future, right? When he meets CJ Johns, everything changes and his world is just a bit too small.

CJ Johns has seen a lot in his life—the death of his family, the destruction of his pack and the loss of pack lands. He’s determined not to let those devastations get him down, but when he’s forced to live off the land that’s not even his, his spirits sink. He can’t even convince his wolf to come forward. The one bright spot in his life is Grove. He knows little about the fellow wolf shifter, but he’s smitten.

When a problem from CJ’s past threatens his future, it’s up to CJ and Grove to decide whether they want the blossoming feelings between them to last or fade like the winter snow.


Reader advisory: This book contains mentions of a sexual predator, coercion, murder, homophobia, and non-nurturing parenting.



©Megan Slayer, 2023, All Rights Reserved


“I meant what I said. I want to hire you,” Grove said. “We’ll get your stuff and you’ll live with me. I need someone to handle a few tasks for me.”

“What kind of tasks?” CJ asked between bites.

“Don’t want the job?”

“I do, but I’d like to know what I’m doing before I accept.” CJ stuffed a piece of bacon into his mouth.

“Cleaning up, some laundry, stuff like that,” he said. “Are you interested? I’ll give you a place to live and clothes, plus food and internet. You’ll be able to do your artwork, too.”

CJ ate a bit more and seemed to mull over the opportunity. “You’re not afraid of me? I shift.”

“So do I.” He thought they’d established that they were both wolves.

“Oh yeah.” CJ put his fork down. “I’m so used to dealing with people who are just humans, not shifters. Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” He cut up his salad. “How long has it been since your last shift?”

“Six months.” CJ finished the bacon. “Do you shift a lot?”

“I’ve tried to tamp down my wolf.” That sounded so silly. Why restrain the wolf? He had a power few others had and he didn’t seem to want it.

“I did, too. If no one knew, then no one would try to kill me.”

“Well, if you come with me, I’ll protect you. Promise. You’ll have space to relax, exist and run if you want to shift in return for hard work.”

CJ cut his burger in half. “You’re serious?”

“Deadly. I can’t let you get hurt in the elements and since you don’t have a pack, you’ll need protection. You should be part of a pack and we have space. Why not join us? I can help you and I want to.”

CJ rested his hands on his lap “I do want to belong.” He hesitated. “Can I leave at any time?”

“If you want to.” He didn’t see why that should happen, but he’d give CJ his freedom if he so chose.

“Can I bring my pet?”

“Pet?” A wolf shifter with a pet? “What kind?”

“My cat.” CJ didn’t move. “I can’t leave her behind.”

“Sure.” He’d never had a pet and wasn’t sure how hard it’d be, but he’d give it a try. “I’ll ensure you’ve got supplies for her, too.”

CJ nodded. “Then I’ll work for you. I’ll put in honest work for honest pay.”

It wasn’t the most eloquent way to put it, but he didn’t care. “Then we’ve got a deal.”

CJ frowned. “It’s starting to rain harder.”

“Sure is.” He nodded to the food. “Why don’t we get it to go and we’ll eat at my place? We’ll retrieve your things and your cat, then head to where it’s safe.”

CJ’s smile returned. “Deal.”


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Not Retired, Just Rewriten: My Leap into Full-Time Writing by Keri Kruspe


This year, approximately 4.1 million Americans are crossing the significant milestone of reaching retirement age, a time traditionally viewed as the juncture for winding down one's professional endeavors.

However, trust me to take a break from convention. Instead of slowing down, I'm embracing this pivotal moment not as a finale but a chance to take a leap forward. In this article I’m going to get a little personal. I’ll share my journey of trading in the security of my secular job to pursue a passion that's been driving me for the last five years. Something that’s been simmering deep inside me since I was in my preteen years. Living the life of a full-time author.

Join me as I navigate the transformative phase of redefining 'retirement' and embarking on what promises to be the most fulfilling chapter of my life yet. But first, I’d like to take a quick look back at the last sixty years and the events I lived through. While I’m only giving one important event that shaped each decade personally and overall, it gives you a taste of what helped shape my life.


Civil Rights Movement:

This was a pivotal series of events aimed at ending racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans and securing legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights enumerated in the Constitution and federal law.


The moon landing. Even though I was a young child, I remember sitting with my family in front of the black-and-white TV and mesmerized by the blurry images.


Watergate Scandal:

A major political scandal that occurred following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., leading to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974.


Ah, puberty and the teenage years. In high school, I was a nerd, complete with red hair, glasses, and freckles, and couldn’t care less about politics. I was on the yearbook staff and part of the literary club. Right after high school, I met and married my bubby, giving birth to my first child.


End of the Cold War:

Although the process was complex and stretched over the decade, significant events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 symbolize the end of the Cold War, leading to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.


Gave birth to my second child. Started a career in banking and spent the decade moving up the ranks, reaching Assistant Manager. My hubby and I bought our first home to raise our children.


The Internet Revolution:

The decade saw the commercial rise of the internet, transforming business practices and society, and leading to the dot-com bubble. It profoundly changed the way we communicate, access information, and do business.



Gave birth to my last child. Became a VP in the bank with over 300 employees – then got laid off after 21 years with the same company. The 90’s were a time of growth for me. After fourteen years, my hubby and I got divorced.


September 11 Attacks:

In 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had a profound impact on the nation, leading to significant changes in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, including the War on Terror and the introduction of the USA PATRIOT Act. I was actually 2000 miles away from home in a training session. Took me a week to get home.



Began dating hubby, making sure I took it slow and easy. We eventually remarried (still together today… our relationship stronger than ever!). Worked at various financial institutions in several different capacities. 


Rise of Social Media and Smartphones:

While not a single event, this decade was marked by the widespread adoption of smartphones and social media, significantly impacting social interaction, politics, and information dissemination.


Moved from Nevada to Michigan. Worked for several banks and credit unions. Towards the end of the decade, I published my first book.

2020's (so far)

COVID-19 Pandemic:

The outbreak and global spread of the coronavirus in early 2020 led to massive changes in daily life, economic downturns, and a reevaluation of global health infrastructure.


Like those 4.1 million Americans I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I reached retirement age this year. Grabbing the opportunity with both hands, I handed in my notice at the bank and am looking forward to making my writing career profitable.

To quote a famous American, Martin Luther King Jr:

"Free at last, thank God almighty, I'm free at last!"


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

One Enchanted Evening is FREE on Amazon (L. A. Kelley)

One Enchanted Evening

by L. A. Kelley

Free on Amazon

March 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

Enchanted clothing has a mind of its own.

Restlessness plagued Charlotte Becker. Unable to settle down, she moved from place to place searching for an elusive something. A sudden invitation from her sister sends her across country to Sentinel Landing, North Carolina. Anchors abound by the sea, but surely nothing would keep her rooted in place in a pokey resort town during the off-season.

Drawn into a consignment shop named One Enchanted Evening, Charlotte is confronted by a mysterious article of clothing requesting her help to stop a killer in a wolf mask. To protect the citizens of Sentinel Landing, she must find the hunter before an innocent is slain.

Luke Maddox’s hunting days are over. Wounded in action, he left the Marines to return to Sentinel Landing and start a new life. Then he meets a singular young woman wearing an unusual cloak. She tells an incredible story of a wolf that walks on two legs.

And the hunt begins…



L. A. Kelley writers scify and fantasy adventures with humor, romance, and a touch of sass. All her evenings are enchanted.