I went to lunch with a friend of mine and we were talking about our lives. We hadn't seen each other in six months or so, even though we email here and there. So were chatting about what's been happening--her and her dog, me and my family...you know, the normal stuff.
As we're chatting I realized something. There are some things you can say in front of some people and other things you probably shouldn't say in front of others. I don't mean the real no-no's or being mean. I'm referring to the moments when the person you're talking to has no vested interest in what you're chatting about (ie kids) or they can't relate.
My friend falls into the second category. She doesn't have kids and doesn't want any. She's got her pets and that's fine. She did the marriage thing and it wasn't for her. Swell.
Most of the people I hang out with have kids or spend a lot of time around kids so when the stories start getting passed around, we can all relate. This was one of those moments where there wasn't much relating going on.
I was talking about tot being in the camper and having to go to the restroom. Kids of a certain age feel the need to sing while in the potty. Mine included. I got to listen to a rousing rendition of the Star Wars theme. So I'm telling this story, because it was funny--tot on the pot, singing the Darth Vader song and getting rained on because he couldn't figure out how to close the vent above the restroom--and my friend was both horrified and embarrassed.
I realize that potty humor has it's place and time, but it was the most funny that the tot was being rained on. Her not having kids, she didn't see any humor in what I'd said. She wanted me to shut up. Of course, me being thick, didn't get that right away and finished the story. Yeah, should've quit while I was ahead. I didn't.
But it made me realize, when you're around a certain group of people, you forget what you can and can't say. A group of Mommies would totally be able to relate to the tot on the pot story. Others might not. Thankfully for me and my friend, we both have dogs--hers is a TAD more rambunctious than mine are--and could chatter about the neurotic things they do. Although to be honest, her dog does some things that trump the kid story and no, I won't share because they are gross things.
Anyone else have this issue? Forgetting your target audience and saying something you'd rather take back? I can't be alone in this. Let me know!
Want to know a little more about my latest release? Here you go!
by Megan Slayer
Number in Series: 2 (Haven House Vampires)
BIN: 06314-02029
Word Count: 19K
Page Count: 63
Price: $4.49
Release Date: April 19, 2013
Editor: Katriena Knights
Cover Artist: Reneé George
Genres: Erotic Romance, Novella, Paranormal
Themes: Vampires
A voluptuous blonde and a creature of the night --
can their connection withstand the strain?
Julian Moran isn’t like anyone Daisy knows. Dark,
mysterious, deadly, and sexy as hell. He claims he’s going to protect her, but
what exactly is he saving her from?
Daisy Greene isn’t just any woman to Julian -- they are
fated. Vampires and humans don’t mix, no matter what fate says. Good thing
Julian makes up his own rules.
Available from Changeling Press: http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=2029
When she's not
writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her
hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency
to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter
ego, but the boys don't seem to mind.
When she’s not
obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from
school. She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits
her fancy best. The cabana boys are willing to serve,
unless she needs them. She always need them. So be nice to Javier
or he will bite--on command.
She also masquerades under the name Wendi Zwaduk and is
published through Changeling Press, Decadent Publishing , Liquid Silver Books,
MLR Press, Resplendence Publishing, and Total-E-Bound Publishing.
Megan’s site: http://wendizwaduk.com/indexMegan.htm
Megan’s blog: http://theauthormeganslayer.blogspot.com
Megan on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/meganslayer
Megan on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5330530.Megan_Slayer
Megan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theauthormeganslayer
on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/MeganSlayer