Sooo, I may have forgotten to post a blog on April 30th.
And I may have not realized it until three days later when I was in the shower. (Doh!)
Ahem. Sorry!
But I have lots of stuff to talk about this month! Like,
here we are, the restrictions are loosening and we can start poking our noses outside again like human Punxsutawney Phils. Lots of people are happy about this, but, you guys, I hardly noticed a difference in my daily routine!
Even so, I’m not going to debate the coming of the second wave with
you, or why people wearing masks seems to be a threat to other people. Here’s
what I will openly and happily discuss: All the good things! And some of the
First, why I now hate Thomas Kinkade and Gone with the Wind:
Our county was one of the first to implement a shelter in
place order. It was a chaotic time. No school, literally—no even online for
three weeks. And no idea how long the shelter in place would last. In a desperate
bid to keep my two high school seniors occupied, I pulled out a brand-new
puzzle that’d been sitting on the shelf for years…
…and it took three people three long weeks to finish
Mind you, I spent a lot of that time wondering what our deal
was when many of my friends were blasting through their 1,000-piece puzzles at
a rate of two or three days! Needless to say, by the time we finished, we loathed
the thing. It’s no wonder we never did start another puzzle.
“Mom, do we have any paint brushes?”
“Out in the garage.”
(Thank you, Bob Ross!)
Taking him for walks! This has the added life-saving advantage of keeping him from driving my mom crazy. We'll continue walking together after the SiP ends. We're both...all, if you include the dog...enjoying the time together too much to stop.
Now for the bitter-sweet:

The latter happened this past Wednesday, and was…interesting.
The kids were divided into small groups of about eight students, and given a twenty-minute
time slot. They showed up at their appointed time at the theater in their caps
and gowns, waited in line (masked and six feet apart), walked across the stage
to pick up their diploma folder after their name was called, then stepped in
front of a mic to give a 6-second speech.
No audience. No clapping. No cheers. It was “weird,”
according to my boys.

It wasn’t the graduation any of us expected, but at the end
it was a memorable day, and both of them were very happy.
I think I’m going to stop here. The only thing I’ll add is
this: Due to a back injury two years ago, my youngest has been
receiving “home/hospital education.” There have been many times we were hopeful
that a new procedure would help him, and as many times there has been
disappointment that it didn’t work. For each set back, I have told my son it’s
okay to grieve, but don’t let it suck you down. Give yourself a certain amount
of time, then say, “Okay, so that didn’t work. What’s the next step?” Always have
your eye on the future.
And that’s what I’ll leave you with today. Grieve. Cry. It’s
okay. But never, ever forget that there is a future. What's your next step?
May you be blessed by good health and surrounded by love.

When she’s not busy writing about the blue and green aliens of her Prophecy series, she’s hanging out with her hubby, five kids (the nerd herd), and a spoiled Dobie mix pup.
She is currently working on the fourth book in her Prophecy series, and three new books for a new series to be released this fall.
For more on Lea's books (past, present, & future), check out her: