Sunday, August 16, 2020

Writing and life

 Life seems to be one of those things that never slows down. When the good times are rolling in, that pacing is fabulous. But when things aren’t so peachy, the punches life throws feel never ending. I’m in one of those not so sweet periods, so when I sit down to work on my sequel I often just stare at the blinking cursor. Have you ever been there? 

So, how do you write when life is being life-y?

Sometimes you don’t. And that’s okay. Sometimes you do because it’s the only escape available. And that’s great too. There’s really no one size fits all whenever it comes to being a human practicing art. All you can do is your best, and even that looks different day by day. The real trick for me has been to stay in the moment. What can I write in the next minute? Four words? Thirty? Zero? Whatever that word count ends up being, be proud of the attempt because life is going to keep moving right along, but so are the stories. The stories will be there when they’re ready to come out. Sometimes they, or maybe you, need a little more time before it’s ready. 

Don’t be afraid to live, and write, even if it’s messy because there’s beauty in all the twists and turns along the way.

Happy writing.


Diane Burton said...

Sorry to hear Life has thrown you a curve. I'm right there with you. I don't write when my mind is whirling from Life's latest curve. I like your idea of writing one word, then two, etc. I think it was Nora Roberts who said you can't edit a blank page--so, write something. I hope you can work through this latest curve.

Maureen said...

Unfortunately 'life' can get to us all- hope that that blinking curser starts moving for you soon.

Nancy Gideon said...

Exactly! We do our best to do our best.

Marilyn said...

Great reading your blogg