So far, 2015 has been good to me. Not in the usual ways. In real life, my kids have been sick, I've been sick, it's been wicked cold, and my dog now has a nervous bladder and pees all the time. Oye.
But, in my TV life, wow. It's been non-stop TV awesome. Fun paranormal shows and superhero shows--I haven't felt like "Oh, I need to get home to watch my show" since the 90's. I'm not a solo TV watcher--I like to hang out with my husband and talk during commercials, gush about the show, all that good stuff, so it is a very social experience when I find a show I'm excited about.
The two that have caught my eye--The Librarians and Marvel's Agent Carter. I love where the Librarians could be going. It's definitely not perfect, but I'm willing to overlook the downfalls and just enjoy the stories. Long critique short--I like it. Marvel's Agent Carter is fantastic in pretty much all ways. Sadly, Captain America is considered dead in it. The only way it could be better is if Captain walked in, but I'm still happy even if that doesn't happen.
It's no secret I adore paranormal fiction and superhero fiction. I mean, I write if quite often and not just for other people. It's my little secret--when it comes to writing what I love, the paranormal and superhero stories really are special.
Take care and happy watching/reading/writing--whatever floats your boat!
Stephanie Beck
Super Special Superhero Trilogy for 99 cents
Justice Fraternity Chronicles
Saving the world and falling in love.
Launch into action with the Justice Fraternity Chronicles. Meet the team—Man of Wonder, Dinah-Go, Crypto-Man, and Sparrow—as they face the evil doers of Silver City and beyond.
Super Love:
Man of Wonder lost Dinah-Go once, back when their only identities were the ones behind their masks. Now, as Myles, he is out to win Dinah's heart and bring her back to the life she loves as a superhero.
Crypto Love:
Sidekick extraordinaire, Crypto Man is all about being a hero. He fights beside Man of Wonder but is questioning his place in the Justice Fraternity. When something fishy is going on in his old hometown, Crypto Man heads over to check it out. Teaming up with Penna Banena—a supermodel with superhero dreams—wasn't in his plan, but it might be time for Crypto Man to be more than a sidekick.
Fallen Love:
Broken-hearted Sparrow and the brilliant Dr. Erica Simons must work together for the betterment of superheroes everywhere. Her research could change the world…if Sparrow can keep her alive long enough to share it. An old foe emerges, and Sparrow will have more than inner demons to fight if he hopes to win the day, and the doctor's heart.
Content Warning: This book contains scenes of epic bad guy butt-kicking and delightful displays of sexy affection—sometimes on the same page. No capes required.
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