Sunday, August 25, 2024

An Embarrassment of Riches by Nancy Gideon

In an effort to avoid doing any real work over the past muggy days while my car was in the shop, I spent mid-week weeding out one of my computer files – that ominous “In The Wings” topic. Was I surprised . . . no SHOCKED! . . . by what I found. Not one or two, not a half dozen but a WHOOPING 28(!) new and expanded book and series proposals dating back to the ‘80s. In various stages of development, some were simple thumbnails/outlines of projects I flirted with, but a surprising amount (not surprising, I guess since I’ve been in the biz for going on three decades!) were proposals with/without chapters that had been sent to agent/editors but not contracted for various reasons from shift in market interest to overstock on that topic. So I moved on to one of the eighty projects I did sell/publish, leaving those projects in publication limbo.

Since I hate to leave a good idea unfinished or a great book unread, it’s time to revisit those stories to see if they’re still viable in today’s market or self-publishable.

How about helping me decide which direction I should take?

Here’s what I have in either series outline or proposal form with or without chapters:

Existing Series Continuations

Three PNR, one historical, and one romantic suspense

New Series

Three PNR, five RS, eight (!) contemporary, and four YAs

Which would you like to read? If you have a particular series you’d like to see more of, feel free to name it.

(Click here for my full title list)

Time for me to hunker down at the keyboard . . . a little help from my friends!

Nancy Gideon on the Web

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