Saturday, September 19, 2020

Astrology 101 or Signs of the Times by Elizabeth Alsobrooks

Imagine my chagrin when I discovered the ‘fun’ and ‘easy’ course I signed up for to balance my tough semester in college turned out to be  astrophysics (astronomy) instead of celestial configurations and zodiac signs (astrology)? With no aspiriations to be an astronaught, the bottom line is that I still find birth astrology more interesting than physics. Unfortunately I had to education myself in Astrology 101 for dummies.

For your own crash coarse, here’s a chart of the zodia signs, symbols and the basic traits and planets under which people are born:


Take a look at your birth sign and the traits. Can you see anything about yourself in your sign? If you’re not sure, it may make more sense if you look at the ‘ruler’ or heavy influencer on your personality and character traits. Match your ruler to the chart below.

I saw some clear truths about my own personality and motivations when I compared this. However, I think if your influence is North node, South node, or Chiron (an asteroid), it may be more difficult to understand. Maybe this will help: The nodes are also known as the nodes of fate and destiny, and they are actually lunar nodes that guide you toward your most fulfilling spiritual life path. To further explain, they symbolize the position of the moon and sun at the time of your birth, where the moon’s monthly path crosses the sun's annual path near the time of your birth. These are theoretical, not literal, which makes the fact that they represent your spiritual realms clearer.

They also help you understand what baggage you must leave behind to get there. A South Node stands for where you’re coming from, your birth baggage such as past life lessons not yet learned or gifts and qualities you have already mastered and possess. The North Node indicates what you are learning in this life, your destiny. It may not be easy, but if you do you will be more fulfilled.

Chiron, on the other hand, is actually an asteroid that orbits our solar system somewhere between Uranus and Saturn, though some feel that like Pluto it is a dwarf planet. If this is your influencer, it’s providing an opportunity for healing. Is there some area of your life in which you seem always to struggle? Perhaps it’s finance, or family relations. Focus on this area and find ways in which you must deal with these issues, ways to solve problems and release baggage. Now is the time to seek spiritual healing. Some feel it’s past life healing that needs to be addressed and worked through. But whether you believe it’s past baggage or current issues, you need to face and deal with these things that are holding you back from achieving spiritual growth and healing.

Each ‘sign’ is also represented by a ‘house’. Your birth month reveals your house number, like your astrological address. They are as follows:



Area of Influence

First House

Appearance, outward personality

Second House

Money, possessions, values

Third House

Communication, immediate environment, brothers and sisters

Fourth House

Home, parents, roots, circumstances at the end of life

Fifth House

Romance, children, creativity, fun

Sixth House

Work, health, service

Seventh House

Marriage and other partnerships

Eighth House

Sex, death, regeneration, other people’s money

Ninth House

Higher education, travel, religion, philosophy, publishing,

Tenth House

Career, status, reputation

Eleventh House

Friends, groups, goals, aspirations

Twelfth House

Seclusion, secrets, spirituality, self-sabotage,


There is some disagreement in how to calculate houses. Some astronomers use noon or midnight to calculate a birth house if the exact time of birth is unknown. The mapping of these houses relates to the position of the sun’s orbit. For your purpose of understanding, these houses refer to probable physical settings as well as life experiences.

Anyone who’s taken existentialism (the study of self as it relates to each person's individual free will to make life choices and the impact personal setting and cultural influence or rules has upon free will and human potential) understands the cultural and social differences experienced in various locations. So settings do influence life experiences as well as our perceptions and emotional responses to them. Our experiences are often relative to our setting, and our world views are influenced by that diversity or lack thereof. This is why excellent universities refuse to hire their own graduates for tenure-track positions until they have worked a number of years in a different environment. They want to ensure a diversity of thought and influence so students can achieve their highest potential.

The same holds true for astrological houses. If you know and understand yours, you probably understand your comfort zone, but you should also understand areas that need further development or exploration.

Using these houses, along with birth signs, horoscope astrologers achieve those popular “daily” predictions of influences for your present days, upcoming weeks, and future.

Believe it or not, but at least now you should have gained a general understanding of Astrology VS Astronomy.



Diane Burton said...

Good distinction, Elizabeth. Very interesting.

Maureen said...

Thank you! I enjoyed the post.

Nightingale said...

What a fascinating post! I had my chart run once by an astrologer while I lived in Miami. I learned that my rising sign influenced my personality more than my sun sign. Capricorn with Aquarius risaing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Diane and Maureen.

Nightingale, isn't it fun to have your chart done? MY hubs had a client who did was a weekly guest on a call-in radio talk show, as well as having a huge clientelle she did from a home office. He he had her do my chart once. I found it very interesting too!--Elizabeth