As we continue to celebrate here at Paranormal Romantics, I have just finished reading Moon Sword by Keri Arthur. The Riley Jensen Guardian Series, I have dedicated my life too, and the novels have never disappointed me.
Riley, the main character, has a no commitment, kick ass attitude that has always left me wanting more. As part werewolf her need for sex consumes her on the full moon and even though she was in a relationship, she seeks elsewhere to satisfy these wants of hers. And this is what I loved. The tension within these books was amazing! Lots of love interests, lots of drama―juicy fun!
With eight novels in the series, Moon Sworn, the ninth, was to be the last. Eagerly, I dove in. But sadly, I was disappointed. It had nothing to do with the writing. As always, Arthur’s novels are spectacular. My problem, the character I’d grown to love had disappeared. Now, I can understand her reasons behind it, she wanted to give the readers “a happy ending”. And normally, I’m all for that. If there isn’t one I’m throwing the book across the room and swearing. But with this character, it was too happy for me. Everything that we’d learned of her, all her adventures had simply ended. I was left with the feeling that the character in the last novel wasn’t even the same one.
Alright, I get that characters grow and change. And through all the danger, confusion about love, Riley had finally found peace. But I wish her peace was found without losing everything that made the series good.
So, my question to you is, do you need a happy ending? Leave me a comment with your email and you’ll be entered in a chance to win a copy of “A Deadly Whisper” The Watchers Book One. It will be released summer 2010.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Do you need a happy ending?

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If it is the final book in a series, then I would prefer a happy ending, or at least the possibility the hero/heroine will get one...eventually.
While it's always nice to have a happy ending, I really love when it doesn't end on a happy note, especially if it's a series.
You can have too much softness, happiness and mush. I like it in between. Maybe the hero doesn't get the happy ending they'd wished for, but they live on.
Writing something that's not a happy ending is not fun at all but sometimes necessary :)
I'm on the fifth book in that series and have all the rest! I do prefer a happy ending. Looking forward to finishing this one!
I want a happy ending..very much so and hope to get it when I marry at the end of the year. Here's hoping!
Thanks for the op!
I prefer a happy ending, but it has to feel realistic. As you said, for a no-committment heroine to suddenly settle down feels like a lie. It ruins the character and ultimately leaves a bad taste in your mouth, worse than if there hadn't been a HEA.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Happy endings don't happen in real life, and I think that I prefer them in my fiction. I like to escape my world -- and werewolfs, vampires and dhampires are a great way to do that. Some of the story was forced, but I really did enjoy it.
kwinter at satx.rr dot com
I agree with you about Moon Sworn, the ending just felt flat to me.
I don't have to have a hea in every story, a hfn can work for me too, especially when we are talking about a series.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Yes I have to have a happy ending. I can't stand a book that doesn't have one. I read to get away from the real world where a lot of times things are going so great. If a read a book and it doesn't have a happy ending or at least the suggestion of one I won't read the author again and I'll tell my friends that I don't think they will enjoy the book to much. When I was in school about 22 years ago a read a romance book where the hero was a slave a tortured all through the book just when he got the girl and every thing he died and he was a young man. I couldn't tell you the name of the book or the author but to this day I feel like I wasted my time reading that book.
I like a happy ending, it doesn't feel complete if I am left wondering
Happy endings are "sweet" but lets face it, we are reading Paranormal, Urban Fantasy etc. these days right? Vampires and Were's don't really leave a lot of room for "happy". So, for me, as along and the story line has either been properly ended/closed or at least temporarily resolved for a good lead into the next installment of a series, I am happy!
Have a great day every one!
Kate (aka YzhaBella's BookShelf)
I'm all for happy endings, and I prefer them. But, as a book or series closes, the finale should fit the character's ideal of a happy ending. Some times that's contrary to the general concept of a happily ever after. If it's emotionally satisfying for me and the character, it doesn't have to be a Snow White ending.
I need at least a happily for now but BOY do I struggle writing HEAs. It is not ease to solve all the problems and yet make the end not sound sucky.
Happy endings are nice, but I don't think they're necessary.
If you're reading a romance, you expect a happy ending. Urban fantasy, though, not always.
luraj2612 AT gmail DOT com
yes I do need a happy ending because i'm not getting a happy ending in my i have to get one somewhere.
I do like happy endings(if the series is ending) or at least the possibility of them(if it's not the end of a series). I get very frustrated if a series end with no resolution for the characters. It doesn't have to be all sweet and light and peace for the world, but any major problems(in the characters relationship and in any 'battle against evil')do need to be resolved.
sometimes just a real ending is nice no HEA just a real honest ending but i do enjoy happy endings who doesnt ur book sounds awesome
I don't need a happy ending.. in fact kinda dislike them in dark urban fantasy. Just doesn't go with the mood usually. MAYBE a Happy for now ending.
I do prefer a happy ending. I had my own great love story which did not end with "HEA". It's nice to read about them, and think that they might still come true : )
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
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