Monday, February 6, 2012

Debut Author Jordan Rose

Annie, thanks so much for having me today. You have no idea how much I needed this little break from editing! I’m absolutely tickled to be here hob-knobbing with other paranormal romantics! Today I thought I’d let everyone have a peek at what’s going on with me and my publishing experiences as of today.
Every published author has been in my shoes. Not literally, of course. Let’s not get crazy here, though I did buy them at DSW so it’s possible that one or two published authors may have tried them on before I purchased them. But that’s not the point to my post. The point is that every author who’s ever published a book has somehow managed to survive the last couple months before release. That knowledge gives me hope.
I’ve progressed from: “Holy Moly I sold my book” to “Oh, shit. I sold my book.” They are two completely different feelings, in spite the fact that both raise your blood pressure. One makes you jump up and down and squeal while the other very nearly sends you into a state of manic depression. You literally sit and stare at the four page list of things you have to do, then you spring into action as if you’ve just ingested a case of one of those caffeine drinks. You move like the wind, making contacts, ordering supplies, editing. Editing. Editing. Then you collapse back into that catatonic state and question your motivation for doing this.
Why in God’s name would you ever publish something you wrote? It’s not that good. It’s not even worth looking at again. And, if you have to read it one more time before it’s published you know in the very pit of your stomach that you will never read another book ever again. Your own book is ruining your reading pleasure!
Can you say over-used words? Sure you can. How many do you think a new writer can find in her own manuscript? Let’s just say A LOT!!!! And then when you try to change them, you know, to fix this debacle you once referred to as “the book of my heart” (Good Lord!) you end up simply adding more words to that list of over-used words, which in turn makes you crazy because now you know you have to read your own book again!
That’s when it occurs to you that you have the imagination of slug. Not an adventurous slug, no, not one of those slugs that crawls from one end of the deck to the other searching for slug heaven. Nope you have the imagination of the slug that crawls into the dog’s bowl and doesn’t have the wherewithal to get back out before that goofy dog shows up for dinner.
It’s a low point. And when you tell your sister-in-law that you’re fairly certain you’re an idiot, she very promptly (in my case, anyway. For those you with no sisters-in-law or with sisters-in-law who already believe you to be an idiot, find a friend for this part. You certainly don’t need anyone else beating you up. You’re doing a fine job of that on your own.) corrects you by countering every statement, arguing each fact you offer, and finally just telling you to knock it the hell off.
“Oh, right. You think up all these characters and make them do all sorts of things and you have no imagination.” I’m pretty sure that’s what she said. There may have been more, but you get the gist.
At some point you have to give back your manuscript. You have to send it to your editor for copy editing. I mean, you really want to see it published, whether in print or electronic, or both. So you do what you know you must. You read the damn thing once more. You make those last minute adjustments. You check the spelling. Then you fix the errors the spell-check made to your glorious story. Then you send it back.
And you pray. “Please God, let someone other than my editor and publisher, my critique partner and mom like my book.” Then you wait.
And that’s where I’m sitting. In the waiting room of the publishing world. Hoping to hear the announcement: Ms. Rose, It’s a best seller!
There are certainly far worse places to sit like the waiting room to the GYN’s office or traffic court or a funeral parlor. So I can’t complain, not even for a moment. Okay, maybe I was complaining for half a minute there. But I’m a writer, an artist. We’re supposed to be moody. Damn it! Now where’s my list? I still have two more pages to complete.


Fate is cruel. Especially when the one you’ve sworn to love for all eternity, the very soul who changed your destiny is the last person you should trust.

After more than three hundred years of running, Lucia Dicomano must make a choice.

Forced to take her place as a Pharo of Redemption, the divine slayer needs to master her forgotten powers. Lucia turns to Vittorio, the one vampire she’s failed to deliver from eternal damnation. But overcoming smoldering remnants of love, lust and anger aren’t their only obstacles.

Samuel, who may know Lucia better than she knows herself, hunts her with a fervor stoked by a thousand years of vengeful hatred. His plan—capture and enslave the weakened Pharo then take control of her elusive power. 

Can Lucia trust Vittorio long enough to reclaim her powers? Or will she have no choice but to kill him and battle Samuel alone?

After trying her hand at many, many things- from crafting and art classes to cooking and sewing classes to running her own handbag business, Jordan finally figured out how to channel her creativity. With an active imagination and a little encouragement from her husband she sat down and began to write, each night clicking away at the keys with her black Labrador, Dino curled up under the desk.

A few short years later she’s entered the publishing arena with no plans to ever turn back.

Jordan’s a member of Rhode Island Romance Writers, as well as RWA National, and the New England (NEC), Connecticut, and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal (FFnP) Chapters.

Her first book, Perpetual Light, releases in March of 2012 from Crescent Moon Press.

Find Jordan on her website at 
Follow her tweets on!/jordankrose 
Friend her on Facebook at

Ms. Rose is giving away a 5$ GC to Amazon today. Leave a comment with a way for me to contact you and one random person will be chosen.


Elaine G said...

LOL..great post.
Congrats on your new release it sounds really good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Elaing8. Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the support. Take care, Jordan

Brenda said...

What a great post!


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda. Thanks so much! Nice of you to stop by. Jordan

Sandy said...

Great interview, Jordan! Your book sounds amazing!


Ciara said...

I'm so excited about this book! Love the blurb. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy and Ciara. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind words. Jordan

Anonymous said...

Cool Interview:D. Congrats for your release! Wish you all the best! Cheers

Anonymous said...

Hi Aretha.

Thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes. Take care, Jordan

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Congratulations to Elaineg8 as she won the Amazon gift card. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and left a comment and to everyone else who read my anonymously read my post. Take care, Jordan