Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jessica Subject is Guest Blogging today on Paranormal Romantics

Please give a warm welcome to Jessica Subject. Jessica is celebrating the release of her newest romance, Never Gonna Let You Go, and is offering up a sweet give away. For details, see the bottom of her post.

Hot SciFi Heroes

During blog tours, I’m often asked what celebrities I see as the main characters for my stories. In the case of Never Gonna Let You Go, I never had anyone in particular in mind for any of my characters, but if I had to pick the person who closest resembles my hero, I would say Paul Walker.

Then I got thinking. My other stories where I do have celebrities in mind for the characters, the heroes are all from science fiction romance television shows or movies, ones I’ve watched, and crushed on the guys in them. So, I decided to share my own personal scifi crushed over the years. There are more, but I present the top five:

1) Wil Wheaton aka Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Okay, had a crush on William Riker (Jonathan Frakes), but Wesley was closer to my age at the time.

2) Keanu Reeves. Yes, I was hot for Neo, but I admit to crushing on him around the time of Point Break, and then Speed.

3) Ewan McGregor – Obi-Wan Kenobi, the reason I will never get tired of watching the first three Star Wars. Plus, they’re simply awesome movies. 

4) Nathan Fillion – Captain Malcolm Reynolds, and I watch him now in Castle, the only television show I faithfully watch.

5) Chris Pine – the new James T. Kirk *sigh*

So who are your scifi crushes?

Never Gonna Let You Go Blurb:
Caught in a tangle of lies, Calla Jacobs must sort through the truth to discover where she truly belongs. A biologist for Planet Core, she finds herself ensnared in a web of deceit. Sent to Airondelle, she must work with a team to prepare the newly discovered planet for colonists from Earth. But the mission does not go as she expected. Her former lover, Erik Edwards, shuns her, sending Calla into the arms of Melina Holloway, their commander, for the attention she craves and more. A confrontation among the trio leaves her with a broken heart, and fleeing from the two people she trusted most.

Available from Decadent Publishing and other ebook retailers.

Buy Links here:

Book Trailer:


As part of the Never Gonna Let You Go blog tour, Jessica is giving away a $20 gift certificate to either or Simply leave a comment with your email address for your chance to WIN! Be sure to follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from anyone who has enjoyed her stories. Her debut novella, Celestial Seduction is available from Decadent Publishing.

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Nina Croft said...

It's got to be Harrison Ford and Han Solo! Though I must admit Captain Mal comes a close second.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you for inviting me here today, DL! :)

Jessica E. Subject said...

Nina - Yes, he is on my list, but I tried to limit to only five. LOL

Misa Buckley said...

Baal (Stargate SG1) - galactic overlord wannabe with a penchant for snark and black leather, a smirk to challenge the devil and an accent that melts my bones.

D L Jackson said...

Riddick, Baal, Captain Mal--is there a pattern here?

LisaRayns said...

I love Keanu Reeves. Nice giveaway.

lisarayns @

Jessica E. Subject said...

LOL Misa!

DL - And Brodie Mark. Wait til the rest of the world meets him. :D

Lisa - Yes, he's been in so many action-packed movies. :) I own a lot of them, including The Day the Earth Stood Still, and The Matrix trilogy.

Kaye Manro said...

I'm going to say it because I say it a lot. Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson in Stargate SG 1 is my all time forever crush! I'll also take Keanu Reeves esp. in TDTESS. So sexy!

Annie Nicholas said...

I still have a huge crush on Captain Reynolds. When everyone is asleep at night I watch Firefly on Netflix.

Jean Luc Picard, especially when he gets all revengy on the Borg, is quite sexy.

And the original Captain Kirk (from the TV shows when he was young) could be an eye full in his torn shirts. Yes, I am dating myself here. LOL

Jessica E. Subject said...

Kaye - Yes, I agree with you there. :)

Annie - Oh, yes, can't get enough, but enjoy watching him on Castle, too.

I love JLP's accent, and something about his bald head. :)

Yes, the young William Shatner was quite attractive.

Elaine G said...

Nathan Fillion--I love him :)
Great post.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Elain - Have to agree with you there. Thank you! :)

D L Jackson said...

LOL on Brodie Mark. And he's the antagonist. Edits are in process--looking at April. He's a bad boy you can't help but love.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Oh, can't wait DL!!

Thank you so much for hosting me during my Never Gonna Let You Go blog tour!
And thank you to everyone who stopped by!
The winner is posted her on my website:
All the best!

Lyric James said...

Oh yeah. Chris Pine. sigh. Can't wait for the new ST to come out. I like Bones too. Karl Urban. Swoon. Jean Luc Picard. Nathan Fillian. Sam Worthington. He was blue in Avatar. But still. Lol