Friday, July 9, 2010

It's Furday...

I've watched the news all week about how HOT it is, and boy are the masses on my coast complaining. Not too long ago there were complaints about the cold. I love the heat--makes me all wet! *grins* True, I'd prefer less humidity but I'll take hot anyway I can get it. No, I do not have an air conditioner--at least not installed. I do have one and that's a story in itself.
My big guy, Lord Greystoke, has some Maine Coon blood. If you want to know more about that particular breed, you can read it here: I can only say his temperament fits exactly. His belly is full of thick, downy-white hair that is so soft and he'll recline by me on his back for hours to have it rubbed. I move, he moves!

Mr. Grey does NOT like the heat--not at all! But over the years we've managed because I have a cement basement that's cool and he takes it over when we have heat waves like this one.

Anyway, I was talking about airconditioning.

He has had a few bouts with urinary tract infections, as some male cats are prone to. His first stay in hospital was 4 days in August of 2006 and he had an air conditioned suite! *laughing my ass off*

When he came home I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible, so, I rushed out and bought a nice size unit for my tiny house so he wouldn't have to navigate steps. Got it all installed in the front bedroom window, and turned it on. Yeah, my baby was going to have every comfort possible to recuperate. There was one problem: it was upstairs and he wasn't!

The airconditioner was taken out a few weeks later, never to be used again. When it's hot--he lays under the table it's stored on in the basement. End of story.

That does bring me to furry creatures, and a few that aren't--you all know this is a subject near and dear to my heart. The next time you feel hot, look at your furfriend, think of the beautiful, wild, animals nearing extinction or struggling to eek out one more day--they aren't complaining. They'll show you how to be cool!! Sit or lie down, preferably by water, don't move too much, and once in a while--thank whomever you want--you're alive and free!


And knowing me, you'd knew there would be at least one because I thought it was just cute and irresistable! This picture is from PA wildlife.
Growl and roar-it's okay to let the beast out.-© J. Hali Steele


J Hali Steele said...

Oh, my guess would be racoons got rabies from people!

The Scarf Princess said...

My kitty Miranda has Maine Coon in her as well (I purposely searched one out) and has a lot of the same mannerisms as your little boy. This breed of cat is the best ever imho. They're like little humans.

J Hali Steele said...

Aren't they so sweet. My others are territorial but he accepted each of them when I brought them in as if they were his babies, and they wouldn't dare shoo him away when he enters their space!! I've had a few different breeds--I agree with you on this one!!

Annie Nicholas said...

If I could have a cat it would be a Maine Coon. I hear they are loyal and protective. Oh! plot bunny!

J Hali Steele said...

lmao, Annie. My big guy did have a part in With Extra Cream. He loved his roll! My little one-eyed Jewel shows up belonging to the heroine in Guarded...and she bites the dog which causes quite a stir in the story!

J Hali Steele said...


Vegetarian Cannibal said...

Awww! Your kitty is cute! Here in Texas, it's ALWAYS hot. Don't know what you sissies on the east coast are complaining!

:D Cheers!

J Hali Steele said...

I don't get it either this is nothing compared to the desert where I used to live...days of 100s plus! I'd take that anyday to being cold.

Unknown said...

Hey J, you know I am a philly girl and the heat is flat out gross. But I will take this over the snow.

I am a dog lover and my little bitch keeps panting and rolling around outside. I can't really do that.

The animals during this time that bug me are the humans. The ones peeing at the train station making humidified urined rent the air.

J Hali Steele said...

Awww! I wonder if we panted if it would help?!! lol I remember that urine smell in the cities when it's hot...phew!