Thursday, June 30, 2011

I don't do this kind of things often, so you'll have to excuse me for a is going to be a very long day for me. See, I'm spending time pretending it's not today. And I have to say, I already know it's going to be damn hard.


Well, check out this list. Go on, open a new tab or window and go look.

Yup, that would be the list for the 14th Annual PRISM Contest for Published Authors Finalists. At first glance, that's a pretty awesome list, right? I've read some of those books and you should really do yourself a favor and pick up some of them if you haven't--you'll thank yourself for it later.

But wait! It's gonna get awesome-er (yeah, not a word, I know--give me a break here). Check out the fourth category down--Futuristic. I own all four of those books and--look at that--I had the great honor of writing one of them too.

Yup, my first science fiction/futuristic/space opera ebook Midnight's Ghost is a finalist.

So, how about, to celebrate my squee, I give away a download of the book. So, take all week and tell me about a recent squee-worthy moment and I'll pick a winner to announce in my regularly scheduled post next week.

Good luck!


D. F. Krieger said...

Wow, Sara, just wow. Congrads on that and I wish you the best. As for my squee worthy moment... I have to say getting my book accepted for publication definitely tops my list. Hubby buying me my first motorcycle on release day was a close second!

StacieDM said...

Congrats on your squee! My squee worthy moment of the week was finding out I'm getting a Nook! I was so surprised. I don't usually get my ebooks from B&N but I guess I do now. :)

user1123 AT comcast DOT net