Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday

Another one bites the dust.

Sorry so late! Over a week without a computer! Well, there's the mini, but my fingers are just too large to navigate its keyboard with any accuracy or speed, but it's great for traveling and reading emails. Period. My old computer is in the hands of the Geek Squad, and I'm hoping for good news.

There is the possibility that in ten years I'll be springing for a third new computer... what's up with that? I should have sprung for the MAC in the beginning and just been done with it, right? I do believe at this point it would have been the better deal. Me and PCs just aren't cutting it. The worst of it is I'll probably be visiting the Squad again when my computer comes back to have the hard drive recovered. I've paid for Carbonite for 2 years feeling secure in the fact that my files would be backed up and easily recovered. WRONG! At least for me, a person who has no technical abilities at all. Spent over an hour trying to recover just one document, 1/2 hour sitting in a chat queue looking for help, big sigh, I'll be returning there to wait some more with hopes someone can direct me on how to open the damn files that are showing as recovered!

As I've grown older I find I have very little or no patience at all waiting for answers to something that should be easy, and undoubtably is, for some. I'm seriously leaning toward cancelling the Carbonite subscription and counting on being able to recover the hard drive 3 years from now.

Wish I was writing about something more... writery, or at least posting some cool, or hot, pics of hunks, or adorable animals, or anything aside from  - Another One Bites The Dust!!


Wendi Zwaduk and Megan Slayer said...

You gave me an ear worm!! Hope the computer issues get worked out. Can't wait to see what other writerly things you come up with. :-)

Sheri Fredricks said...

Joann ~ My hard drive crashed at the beginning of the year. MY current WIP on it. A critique group friend told me to email myself all my work just before the crash, which I did. I call it devine intervention! Now, I backup on my hard drive, flash drive, email it to myself, and an external hard drive. It takes a few minutes but better safe than filled with angst. Looking forward to more of your posts! And here's to this NEVER happening to us again.

J Hali Steele said...

Woot, my baby is being repaired, I'm lucky this time!! I'm keeping the new one for the incase event. Sheri, thanks, I'll be buying some more flash drives, loading them and sticking them in the box with the new computer, I'll be emailing myself lots more too *smile*. I don't want to slight Carbonite, but it's not technology I'll be paying for after my subscription runs out. Never did go back to sit in the queue after call that my comp was fixable, the first time sitting there made me bite a fingernail all the way off while I waited!! LMAO