Monday, September 19, 2011

Cystal Kauffman- Comes the Wolf

Cyrstal Kauffman has agreed join me today and answer a few questions. She is also going to give away a copy of her new release, Comes The Wolf, with its wonderfully hot cover.

When asked how long they’ve been writers, most will answer “forever.” So instead, I’ll ask how long you’ve been a paranormals writer?
That’s a good question. Paranormals are actually where I started, before recognizing and pursuing my love of romance.  Like many writers, I was inspired by Stephen King, and I thought paranormal horror was the greatest thing ever. I loved creating characters with outlandish capabilities and victims plagued by outrageous monsters. It took a while for me to see these monsters as potential hero characters, but now I’m hooked on the bad good-guy characters like Charlain’s True Blood vampires.

I love bad vamps too. LOL
Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story.
I love the idea of monsters who are protectors. In my Guardians series from Loose Id, my heroes are human-shapeshifters who can bring forth wings of flesh that make them able to fly, putting them on an even playing field with their vampire enemies. In book 2, The Collision, a Guardian and a vampire are trapped together in the Romanian mountains. Fitch isn’t exactly a protector, but he is a character with a noble heart who does the right thing in the end. I decided to take my desire to the next level and create a werewolf protector. Aidan is a tracker, sort of like a bounty hunter but more an investigator, who finds missing people. He’s been hired to find Madeline Forsythe after being misled to believe she stole two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from her father. Once he learns how much danger she’s in, he doesn’t think twice about protecting her.

I love protective characters.
Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects?
In taking my monster protector hero one step even further, my next book is about an elite group of vampires working under the CIA called the Night Squad who are sent after criminals too dangerous for human law enforcement personnel. Often innocent victims accidentally get mixed up in their very dangerous assignments, and these men do whatever it takes to keep them from becoming casualties. Look for the first, a novella called Red Hunger, this winter from Ellora’s Cave.

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?
There are a lot of “types” of characters that I love to read and write: the underdog, the bad boy, the humble alpha, but to pick one specifically I’d have to say Fitch Galloway, the vampire hero in my Guardian ménage (Book II The Collision). He was a bad boy secret agent who chose to be good, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it out loud. Watch my Night Squad series for another bad boy hero who thinks he’s a monster, but puts his own case on hold to protect his woman; a human who stumbled into his sting by accident.

What so you see for the future of publishing and e books?
I’ve always believed ebooks were the wave of the future and are here to stay regardless of what naysayers naysay, but that future has come rushing toward us with a speed I did not anticipate. And I was proven right not only by the solidity of ebook-specific publishing houses who continue to put out top-notch books, but with the new opportunities created by the Kindle and Amazon’s self-publishing platform. It’s definitely a new world out there today. You readers are right in the middle of it!

Lastly, if there is one thing you could personally say to your readers, what would it be?
Thank you. Definitely thank you.

For more information about Crystal and her upcoming works, visit her website

In celebration of her release, Comes the Wolf from Loose Id, Crystal will choose one winner to receive a personal copy of her book, drawn from comments left here today.


Anonymous said...

Great interview. I love protectors and the paranormal, just a great combo. hehe.

Vanessa N. said...

Cool interview! I love paranormal stories so I can't wait to read this one. Thanks for the chance.

Crystal Kauffman said...

I think there is something every woman loves about a strong protector (no matter how independent they are)

Elaine G said...

holy..WOW..that cover.I love it.
Yes,I stared at it for a few like a great book.

Crystal Kauffman said...

Elaing8, I gaped at it for a while too :)

Annie Nicholas said...

cmtorrens wins the contest! Congrats.

Thanks for joing us Crystal.