Sunday, April 28, 2019

What comes next? from Barbara Edwards

The bet part of writing is when a new idea sparks your next book. Happily, I had this moment this week. After writing the first book in the Deerbourne Series, By Reservation Only, I knew I’d have to write another story.

I don’t have a title but I do have two ghosts who didn’t find happiness in life. So how do I resolve this? Well, that’s what I need to discover. I have a man and woman who haven’t recognized how important their attraction will become.  
So check out the first book.

Excerpt from ‘By Reservation Only”

Since the inn was quiet, she pulled on a long t-shirt and opened the door. Her heart fluttered. She was disappointed Nate wasn’t waiting for her in the dark passage. She blew out a frustrated breath and opened one of the bedroom windows to let the fresh breeze blow in. A whip-poor-will called from the hill.
The comfortable bed beckoned her. Flowery potpourri scented the bedroom air. She lay on top of the handmade quilt and stared at the ceiling. Sleep eluded her. She lost count of the times she turned over, punched the pillow, yawned.
An owl hooted from the nearby woods. The call of the whip-poor-will sounded closer. The curtain flapped and the scent of smoke tainted the air. Her watch claimed it was only twelve thirty, not nearing dawn. She swore and rolled over again.
Someone knocked on Nate’s door and called his name. Emily pulled on her pants and sneakers before she opened her door.
“What’s happening?” Her pulse raced. Smoke, she smelled smoke.


Maureen said...

Best of luck in finding those ghosts their story :)

Diane Burton said...

I love when an idea for the next story pops up (usually when I can't stop the current WIP to write it). I hope your ghosts reveal their story to you.