Friday, January 7, 2022

No Resolutions! Checklists work for me! Post by Jessica E. Subject

It's January again, and that means many people are talking about the goals and resolutions they want to accomplish in 2022. I gave up on those years ago. I get easily disappointed with myself if I do not accomplish things by a certain date. And when I'm working on something creative, like writing my stories, that can be disastrous. Sure, I have stories I'd love to publish this year (see below), but I don't have any dates set, and I know that plans can change, and other ideas often invade my mind.

(notice the crossed fingers)

So, what do I do instead? I use checklists!!

I have daily, weekly, and monthly checklists, and started using them at the beginning of the pandemic to stay focused. The format has changed a bit since then to become what it is now. Some of the items on my checklists are personal, and others are work-related. But I get great joy from checking off the little boxes. So much so, it motivates me to get them done. 

Above is a screenshot of part of this month's daily, weekly, and monthly checklist. (The weekly and monthly ones are listed at the unseen bottom part.)

These are my more personal things to accomplish. I always want to get them done, but I never set a target. Simply working on them for any amount of time is enough for me. Some days I will work on them longer, and other days only for a few minutes. It depends on how much time I have that day, and whether I am able to focus for long periods of time. Under write, any work on my stories counts, whether it be planning, writing, editing, etc. Right now I am reviewing all three of my Kaddim Brothers stories and making sure my world bible is up-to-date. Reading can be anything, though I usually read webtoons, print books, and/or ebooks. Exercise is usually a class through my fitness studio. They're all online now, as we're in another shutdown, but I look forward to getting back to the studio, as the people there keep me accountable. And I'm trying to learn Korean. Have been at it for two years now. I know it's going to take a lot longer, but daily practice from multiple learning platforms definitely has helped me.

These are work-related tasks; things I have to or should accomplish each week. They are for other jobs, or for writing-related promo. I usually have set days of the week I accomplish these tasks, but I keep them off my daily checklist, as the day I accomplish them can sometimes vary.

These are tasks I do once a month, like this post on Paranormal Romantics, or my author newsletter. It's more a reminder for me to do them so I don't forget.

The key is, you need to find what works for you. Not everyone is the same, and it's important to recognize that.

So, what works for you? I'm always curious about others. Are you for goals and resolutions, or do smaller tasks work better for you? Do you need set dates and targets, or do you have a more fluid sense of accomplishment?

Until next month!


Nancy Gideon said...

Sounds like my list! I have monthly deadlines/posting obligations on a small monthly overview calendar and use a journal to make daily/weekly goal notes. I use different color ink to denote personal and professional. I use paper calendars because I always seem to end up losing my online one someplace.

Jessica E. Subject said...

They definitely help! I always print mine out, too, and keep it pinned to the bulletin board by my desk. It used to be on my desk, but that caused too much clutter. I do have a monthly planner that I use in conjunction with my checklists. But I keep track of other things on it. LOL

Maureen said...

Great post! You always have such good tips! I have so many lists, I'm still developing a system that works best for me. This year I'm trying to focus on stopping things that aren't benefitting me, or that are blocking me, and starting things that will help me make positive progress.

Diane Burton said...

I'm a listmaker, too. Love checking off accomplished things. You are much more organized than I am. I barely think far enough ahead to plan monthly tasks. I should though. Great post. As Maureen says, you always have good tips.

Mary Morgan said...

Great post, Jessica! Thanks for sharing what works for you. I've had a Franklin Planner for over thirty years. It keeps my business and life organized. I've actually gravitated to something else over the past several years at the start of a new year. More to share on my post this Sunday.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Maureen ~ Thank you! Yes, finding what works best for you is key. Sometimes that takes a while to figure out though, especially as our situations are constantly changing.

Diane ~ Thanks so much! I find I have to be organized like this in order to remember what I'm supposed to be doing. Otherwise, I get a bit scatterbrained and forgetful.

Mary ~ Thank you! Oh, I look forward to your post! I'm always up for new tips and tricks.

Nightingale said...

Checklists work for me, too. I must keep a list of people to call, things too do, and even sometimes, I make one for a book! Good post. Thanks for sharing.

Keri Kruspe said...

I agree. I like to keep track of what I'm doing as well!

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you Linda and Keri! I'd be lost without mine.