Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving growing up meant heading to my grandmother's house where all my aunts and uncles and cousins would be together. We ate and played and ran and ate a little more and chatted and caught up--doing all the wonderful things that made us wonder why we didn't put forth the effort to see each other more often.

Flash forward twenty years and I can TOTALLY see why many families treasure the holidays as sort of a time for truce and forced harmony. It's like there is something in the green bean casserole that numbs the fact that so in so called so and so a rumpeterircker in April. Or maybe so and so still owes so and so four hundred bucks--but have a piece of pie and let it go for today.

From my family (who is in a potato hotdish euphoria and forgetting a pesky email issue at the moment) to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. May your time be cherished, your hugs returned and held onto extra long and your turkey be juicy.

Lots of Love,
Stephanie Beck

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