Thursday, June 22, 2023

Time Stops for No One By Tena Stetler

With the passage of another Summer Solstice flying by at the speed of light. I began to muse how fast time was passing. There's a common saying that time flies. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were young and carefree, but now, here we are, wondering where all the years have gone.

The passage of time can be a strange thing to navigate as we age. It's like a river that keeps flowing, taking us along with it, and we're unable to reverse the course or slow it down. The older we get, the faster the current seems to move, leaving us feeling like we barely have time to catch our breath.

When we were younger, time seemed to stretch out before us, endless and full of possibilities. 

As we age, our perception of time changes. We become more aware of our mortality, and the finite amount of time we have to achieve our goals and make an impact. We may find ourselves looking back on our childhood or teenage years with a sense of nostalgia, wishing we could go back and relive those moments. I wouldn't want to relive those moments in my life, but I find myself thinking it was a better life than kids have now.  Yes, the opportunities are more, but so are the expectations, stress, and safety.  Gone are the carefree days of playing outside until the street lights come on. 

But amidst all this change, there's also a sense of self-awareness and growth that comes with age. We become more comfortable in our own skin, more confident in our abilities, and more appreciative of the time we do have. We learn to prioritize the things that matter most to us, to let go of the things that don't, and to savor each moment as it comes.

In the end, the passage of time can be bittersweet. We mourn the loss of our youth and the carefree days of our past, even as we embrace the wisdom and experience that comes with age. But regardless of where we are in life, time keeps moving.

Speaking of moving, here is a reason I live and write in my own fantasy world. I can control time there.

My upcoming new release Raven's Hollow Spring Magic hits the online stores July 10, 2023. Check it out before time runs out.


Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?

Reserve your copy today at:

Amazon and Barnes and Noble 

Check back next month to see what tantalizing or scathing topic I've decided to bend your ear about. Until then, slow down and take time to smell the roses. 


D. V. Stone said...

I laugh about Dolly's quote in Steel Magnolia's
Time marches on, and sooner or later, you realize it is marching across your face.
In my later years both you and she are correct.

Bamakim said...

Time indeed races forward. These days I wonder how I had time to go to work And do normal living stuff like laundry, cooking, etc, and have time to do anything I wanted to. Now my time is filled and it's of my choosing and there's never enough. It must be going faster! Enjoy!

Jessica E. Subject said...

It's true that time seems to pass faster as we age. But, during the pandemic, time seemed to pass in waves rather than anything linear. It was strange. And I would never want to go back and relive anything, but I would like my younger body back.

All the best with your upcoming release!

Jennifer Ivy Walker said...

Time does indeed move faster as we age. I often feel that I am running out of time to write all the novels in my head and heart since I started at such a late age, after retiring from 26 years of teaching French.

Diana Rubino said...
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Ilona Fridl said...

You are so right about the perception of time. I've found that time moves faster the older you get. Didn't I just put the Christmas decorations away?

Maureen said...

I often find myself fixating on time- especially when I listen to the lyrics of a few songs I love, such as Big Wreck's song, Time. One of the lines is about how much time we waste and how the time we spend thinking about the time we wasted is wasting more time. lol

Tena Stetler said...

Thank you all for your comments. I believe we all are in agreement! Thanks for stopping in and voicing your thoughts!

Mickey Flagg said...

Well-said about time. Thinking there's always time to do this or that when we were younger slips away. We regret less and understand more. I wouldn't want to be young today. I like this view of life much better. Every day is another blessing.

Nancy Gideon said...

Ahhh! The back in time connundrum. I always think I'd like that second chance but would I really? Even the unpleasant parts of my past led to the wonderful opportunities in my Now. i.e. bad marriage but I got two sons and a fab D-i-L and grandguy!! Weights and balances.

Diane Burton said...

Your post reminded me of the Jim Croce song Time in a Bottle. There are many moments in time that I'd like to save. Alas, time is more than marching along, it's racing. I guess all we can do is savor the moment as it happens.