Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dream of a Series By Taige Crenshaw

“In paranormals you can work an insurmountable obstacle into a fantastic story. A story that will leave you not only rooting for the end that is satisfying but leaves you breathless and brings down the barriers of your mind letting your imagination take flight.” - Taige Crenshaw

Dreams are indeed powerful. I’ve been known to dream of an outfit I want and then wake and make it. I love to sew. I also love to cook and have been know to dream of delicious dishes and then get up and make them. Yeah I dream of food. LOL.

Thinking of the dreams I’ve had it got me to thinking of one of my series that came from a dream. My Rarities Incorporated series came from a dream. Let me take you inside my dream that became my Rarities Incorporated series. 

It was a dark cold night when I dreamed…. nah that’s not how it happened. Hey what can I say I’m a writer and kinda quirky. {Grin}. Here how it really happened.

I was in a deep sleep minding my own business when all of a sudden I found myself sitting at this table with a bunch of women. Each proceeded to introduce themselves. I was confused but let them have there way. When they were done the first one to introduce herself Zarya Burke lifted her hand and I was floating in the air. I rolled my eyes and told her to get to the point. The women looked at each other and laughed with me. They lowered me back to my chair and told me of a race called Zuri Maji. They told me of what they were and all they could do. That they had many stories to be told and would tell me more as needed.

I jerked awake and I had goose bumps. I ran to my desk and took pen and paper and wrote all I had been told. The women I had met in my dream are the women who were the owner of Rarities Incorporated which appears in my series. Each woman was distinct and I wanted to get what I had gotten from them down clearly. Once I was done writing I had books of information waiting for the first story to come to me.

Fast forward months later and again I was asleep and a Rarities Incorporated story came to me. It unfolded in a cinematic movie I went through all the steps the heroine and hero did. It happened at Christmas and in where I was originally born. Besides the Zuri Maji it had a race of beings that were both unique and beautiful. Again I woke revived and went to write furiously. Veils Rising took form and when done I was pleased and a story in Rarities Incorporated was started.

When an opportunity came up for me to be a part of a special theme with EC my publisher I was racking my brain on what to write it on. Again another dream and I was met by the women who were in charge of Rarities Incorporated at the table we had sat at before. They let me know the first story I had written was out of order in which the stories needed to be told and I needed to fix it. Then they sent me on my way to the adventure which became Golden Seduction. As I entered the dream of Golden Seduction I met my heroine who is an ultimate geek more comfortable with computers than people. When a man comes out of a tarot card she is confused but not shocked. She works Rarities Incorporated, a place with many beings. When she hears his plight she doesn’t think she can help him she is not athletic and more adapt at books. Yet the hero has fate in her and knows he needs her. She steps up and they have an adventure which shows the sense of hope and sensuality. The hope of the hero and heroine. The sensuality of their love story that touched many emotions. After I woke I wrote furiously.

Before I could even digest the story another dream came to me the next night. Shadow Dane featured a heroine who was tackle charge and knew what she wanted. A hero who has seen to much and trusts even less. His control is shredded by her and she wants him but not all the strings he offers. They find common ground. Have an adventure that led’s them to secrets and so much more. It was intense, exhilarating and sexy. Upon waking I was torn between which to write first. The two stories happened during the same time frame so it really didn’t matter. I wrote Golden Seduction then after it was done immediately wrote Shadow Dance.  While I wrote them I didn’t dream of anything but the stories. After they were complete I found myself once again at the table with the women who run Rarities Incorporated. They were pleased with what I had done and couldn’t wait to meet the world.  They sent me off and said be ready for my next adventure soon.

They were right. Since then I have had many adventures in the Rarities Incorporated world and each one revels more and more. Besides the Zuri Maji there are many races I get to explore. I enjoy each adventure and imagine it all started with a dream.

A dream of a series.

What  are some of your dreams?

CONTEST: Share your dreams with me and be entered to win. One winner will be chosen out of the comments on this blog post. The winner will be able to choose one pdf download of any book from my e-book backlist.

Taige Crenshaw is a multi-published author with books available at Ellora's Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Loose Id, and Total-E-Bound. Taige has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance. With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s. Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels. You can find out more about Taige at her website: or blog:

Wilde Seduction - What happens when a woman who doesn’t know how to relax meets a man whose lust for life will change her and make all her deepest desires come to life?
Buy here at Total-E-Bound.


Jessica Subject said...

Can't read the post until it says contest, but my dream is for one person to want to read my book.

Taige Crenshaw said...

Hi Jessica,

Sorry you can't read the post. I've contacted the sites owners and they will have it fixed.

Thanks for coming by. That is a great dream. Keep working towards it. I used to write my own fairytales as a kid and then tell them to others. Then I kept working towards my goal and became a writer.

Annie Nicholas said...

fixed it sorry. lettering was black for some reason.

JeanMP said...

My dream is to find a nice little acreage and settle down with my husband in our retirement years. Have a large rose garden, veggie garden and room for my animals.

Rachel Green said...

riding a bus
in downtown New York
in the twenties

Aliyah Burke said...

Hello, Taige.
Wonderful blog. It's great to know how you came up with this series. Also lovely to know I'm not the only one who has characters who take over.

Can't wait to see what you release next. Love your work.

Happy reading,

Elaine G said...

One dream is to go to Holland one day,to see where my mother grew up.

Jessica Subject said...

Okay, read it. One of my WIPs (#2 in series, actually came from a dream. Mind you, the novel has changed so much from the original dream.

Carlie Angelus said...

Wow, sharing my dreams. Where to begin? I once bought a dream book that is supposed to "diagnose" your dreams but I'm too scared to read it. What does it mean when I'm being chased a lot? Freaks me out.

Thanks for the great post!


Cathy M said...

Dream to take the family to Ireland for a month, and maybe win the Lotto so I can pay off my kid's school loans.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Maria D. said...

I don't remember many of my dreams when I wake up in fact the only things I really remember are the nightmares that I have and for a long time I had the same recuring nightmare that had to do with my family members, a fight and several people being hurt and some dying. Nothing in the nightmare ever came true which was good:)


Tabitha Blake said...

I hate to say it but I don't dream much but when I do it is usually a doozy. LOL! Unfortunately I can't think of one off the top of my head. It has been awhile. Sounds like a great story!

Judy said...

You don't want to know most of my dreams!! They are weird! I mean weird!! I dream several times a week, some I remember and some I don't. I will wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I know I am dreaming: when I lay back down I will continue the same dream where I left off at. Everyone thinks I am crazy:) Maybe so!!!


Linda Henderson said...

I had a dream once that my daughter had twins. My daughter didn't appreciate it I can tell you.

seriousreader at live dot com

Kim S. said...

Happy Halloween everyone!

Great post Taige! I sure would like to have dreams like some of you authors....and the talent to put them down on paper!!

I've been having a lot of dreams lately that include my Mom who passed almost twelve years ago. Don't understand why, but it's like she's here again and I'm treasuring them and finding myself not wanting to wake up so soon!

thewildtwo @ gmail [dot] com

Jennifer Mathis said...

my dreams usually involve the hero of whatever book i read before bed sweeping me away .

*yadkny* said...

I've been drawing dream blanks for a while, but the last one I remember was a nightmare that involved Michael Meyers.


ladydi6497 said...

My biggest dream is to have a home of my own instead of making someone else rich. I also want to have a huge library in that house.



The Scarf Princess said...

My dream would be to visit Scotland before I die. It looks so beautiful and historical and I just want to soak up some handsome guys Scottish accent.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Lil said...

I sleep soundly and don't remember my dreams when I wake, just vague impressions or feelings.

How fascinating to have such vivid dreams as yours.

little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

Annie Nicholas said...

contest is closed