Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween everyone! by Virginia Cavanaugh

I’m happy to be joining up with these great authors, to bring you entertainment during the holiday weekend that revolves around what we love to write. 
     So I’ll start by letting you in on a little secret.  I have a thing for ghosts.  And while I haven’t as of yet written as story about them, I plan to.  Of course I love my Vampires and Shape-Shifters too, but when I think scary movie I find myself drawn more to the ghost story types.

            One of my all time favorites is the “Lady in White”.  Have you ever seen a dream walking?  I watched it for the first time when I was in the fourth grade.  And let me tell you, at that age it took me awhile before I could watch “Who’s the Boss” on TV after seeing that movie.  LOL.  Another favorite of mine is “The Others”.  I loved the twist in this movie.  I use to try and rent some of my all time favorites during Halloween, but now I tend to find myself watching Ghost Hunters.  I so would love to be on that show.

            Another thing I like to do on Halloween is go to haunted houses.  The best one I have ever been to is Ripley’s Haunted Adventure in San Antonio.  It is a live actor haunted house.  I went to one similar at Niagara Falls on the Canada side and it was good as well. 

            There are so many different things to do on Halloween.  Some would even prefer to curl up and read a good book.  And I have to say, I have read a few that had me checking all the locks and turning on all the lights. 

            Check out my new book, Secrets of Night, available at Liquid Silver Books.

 When the tenuous peace between the Shape-Shifters, Vampires, and Sorceresses is shattered, Kierra, Sorceress Senator for The Order of Night, takes it into her own hands to discover the reasons why.

As the Vampire member of the Triad for The Order of Night, Kale is no stranger to war, yet isn't eager to battle anew without cause.  His investigation into the allegations that the Shape-Shifters are the breakers of the peace treaty is thrown askew when the woman who's haunted his lusty dreams is found doing recon of her own.    

As the body count rises and more women disappear, Kierra and Kale race against the clock to uncover the secret the Shape-Shifters are keeping.  Imminent war and forbidden attraction threaten to implode their progress, while Kierra's secrets may very well tip the scales of power.

Share with us what you will be doing this Halloween weekend.
Best Wishes,
Virginia Cavanaugh

          Leave a comment to be placed in a draw for an e-copy of Secrets of Night!      


Carlie Angelus said...

Ooh, I like ghosts too. I've stayed at a couple of hotels that claim to be haunted but didn't have a ghostly experience of my own. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. :-)

We are taking the kids trick or treating tonight and we have a fall festival on Sunday. So, it should be a blast!


Rachel Green said...

editing my novel 'Sons of Angels'


JeanMP said...

Nothing exciting, handing out treats Saturday, taking the dog for a nice long walk on Sunday.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Virginia said...

@ Carlie IDK if that is good or bad either, LOL. My luck I wouldn't get the ghost that wants to move things around, I would get the one that wants to shove me down a stair case or something. LOL

@ Leatherdykeuk I hear the edits. I just finished up edits on my christmas novella Winter's Shadow. Now just waiting for FLE.

Virginia said...

@ Jean P We aren't going to hand out candy this year, because my Yorkies tend to go crazy and they scared a lil girl last year. But I hope you have fun. :)

Maria D. said...

Not doing much this weekend Virginia- pretty much just staying home, will read some books, maybe watch a Halloween themed movie and then hand out candy to the kids tomorrow.


Elaine G said...

We had a haunted house where we used to live when I was a kid. But I never went anywhere near it. My siblings would scare me half to death with stories.

This Halloween,I'll just be staying in,maybe watch a movie.
please don't include me for the giveaway,I already have the book.

Virginia said...

@ Maria I just bought Sleepy Hallow to watch. I haven't seen it before so I think that will be on my list of to dos. :)

@ Elaing8 Glad to see you around again. :) LOL my brother was really good at scaring me to death so I know what you mean. He use to throw live crickets at me, the punk. LOL. I wouldn't go to haunted houses when I was young though.

Beth Caudill said...

This weekend has seen both my sons end of season baseball and soccer parties.

Only thing left is trick-er-treating. I get to hand out the candy. And no, I don't take a piece of chocolate for everyone I hand out.

Tabitha Blake said...

Well I will be home waiting for all the little kiddies in their cute and scary costumes. Probably watching something scary.

Virginia said...

@ Beth LOL. I don't take from the candy bowl either. (I just buy myself a whole bag LOL But I really can't just have one Milkyway.)

@ Tabitha The little ones really are cute all dressed up.

Margay Leah Justice said...

I will be watching the Ghost Hunters Live show with my younger daughter and pigging out on candy and snacks.

Judy said...

Since my children and grandchildren are almost grown, I will be giving out the Halloween candy to the little ones that come by in their great costumes. My oldest granddaughter has went to the Voodoo festival in New Orleans. I am not sure about that either, maybe I am getting too old:)


Virginia said...

@ Margay I love watching Ghost Hunters. :) I want to be on that show one day.

@ Judy I bet your granddaughter is going to have a blast. I so want to go to NOLA and do all teh tours and everything. :)

Linda Henderson said...

I'm just staying at home waiting for the trick or treaters to start pounding on my door. I'll probably watch Hocus Pocus, I usually do every year.

seriousreader at live dot com

Cathy M said...

Low key for me this weekend, no parties this year. Will watch both the baseball games on tv, probably have pizza tomorrow night, pass out candy and maybe pop some popcorn. Depends on how much candy we go thru, lol.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Virginia said...

@ Linda I love Hocus Pocus. I like to sing so of course I have to belt it out "I Put a Spell On You" LOL :)

@ Cathy Mmmm popcorn sounds good.

Jessica Subject said...

'The Others' is a great movie! Won't be doing much except handing out candy but husband is taking kids out trick or treating.


Virginia said...

@ Jessica Well that is a nice thing for the hubby to do for you. My DH will do alot of things but I somehow don't see him taking the kids trick or treating by himself. LOL

Jennifer Mathis said...

oh i love ghost hunters I'm simply staying in and handing out candy oh and doing all the wonderful contest I come across online

Kim S. said...

Happy Halloween everyone!

Great post Virginia! Love ghosts and stories with ghosts myself.

I've been to the Ripley's in Canada and loved it too! Here, right near us, we have Erabus, the World's Largest Haunted House! The rest of the family has been(I can't as I'm handicapped...darn!) and our daughter is actually there as we speak!!

I'm just going to stay in and read and play on the 'puter for Halloween night!! Next best way to spend the evening!

thewildtwo @ gmail [dot] com

Virginia said...

@ Jennifer Nothing wrong with a simple Halloween filled with online contests. :)

@ Kim I'd never heard of the World's largest haunted house. Sounds like my kind of thing. Sorry that you can't partake of the fun, but I'm glad you came to hang out with us here. :)

annalisa said...

My hubby and I will be handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters. :)


Virginia said...

@ Annalisa I hope that you enjoy your evening. :)

ladydi6497 said...

I have been spending the weekend at home getting stuff done. My son is marching in the town parade today (Sunday) but it is too cold for me to stay and watch.

Thanks for sharing your books.


Virginia said...

@ Ladydi6497 The parade and cold bring back memories. I was a band nerd in High School and some of the parades we marched in I thought I would be a staute of ice before we finished. It's darn hard to play a trumpet when the mouth piece feels like ice. LOL

Lil said...

I am on candy-handout duty and look forward to seeing all of the kids costumes showing up at my door.

little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

The Scarf Princess said...

I'll be staying in with my friends handing out candy while eating orange popcorn balls and other junk food. We're going to be watching the premiere of The Walking Dead on tv while dressed up as members of the Scooby gang--with me being Velma.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Virginia said...

@ Lil Handing out candy can be fun! :)

@ Joder That sounds like a fun time. Someone else this weekend has said something about The Walking Dead, I guess I'm going to have to look into it. ;)

Rae M. said...

Wow! I've never heard anyone else mention the Lady in White. "Have you ever seen a dream walking? Well I did." I love that movie! I haven't watched it in forever.

As for tonight, I just watched The Wolfman. It was really good.


Virginia said...

@ Rae LOL I tend to sing that song during Halloween. I just finished watching Sleepy Hallow myself.