Thursday, December 9, 2021

Give Me a Highland Holiday Romance! By Mary Morgan


I love the holidays! It starts in September with the Autumn equinox—second harvest. The first is August 1st. In truth, I always feel the tug within my soul around the third week of August. Part of me blames it on my former life as a bookseller for Borders Books. The children’s holiday books and merchandise would start to arrive around this time. We’d frantically have to make room for everything. Most of us would groan, but I would be giddy with anticipation. Without a doubt, September through December is a favorite of mine.

So, how did my love of this time correspond to my Highland holiday romances? Not as you would think, my friends. Even though I do love the holidays, I didn’t always plan on writing a holiday story. Now I have three published. 

Let’s travel back in time when I completed the last book in the Order of the Dragon Knights, Dragon Knight’s Ring. This series was an emotional roller coaster—from start to finish. Years of plotting, visiting Scotland for research, and being in the head of so many characters, including an evil villain! 

When I finished writing Dragon Knight’s Ring, I required an emotional cleansing. And I knew the answer: a magical, time-travel, romance with a Winter Solstice theme. Mix in the ever-meddling Fae and I gave the world my first holiday romance, A Magical Highland Solstice. From that first book, a second and third one was written. Not only were they my way of celebrating the season, but also a chance to write without battles, deaths, and villains weaving their way throughout my stories—and in my head! 

Sadly, this year was one which I needed to take a break from writing. Life caught up with me, along with family issues. Therefore, the book I intended to have out this season is delayed until next year. Yes, there will be another holiday book for next year—one filled with Fae magic, a feisty lass, and a Highland chieftain determined not to find love. 

Until then, my latest holiday romance, To Weave a Highland Tapestry is on sale for 99 pennies!

Happy Holidays! xo

Available at AMAZON


Nancy Gideon said...

(((HUGS))) Mary! This has been that kind of year for me, too. My first with no new book in forever. My first with almost two months going by with only a few visits with the WIP. Instead of pushing it and angsting, I gave myself permission to take a needed break to deal with other things that have been piling up - like reorganizing my spaces, prioritizing my time and just plain taking deep breaths. But I'll be back with a vengeance . . . soon. 2022 is going to be the year of BICHOKs (butt in chair hands on keys)!

Diane Burton said...

Mary and Nancy, you guys know my tale of woe. LOL 2021 has not been the best year for many of us. Family issues take precedence. We're wives, mothers, daughters, etc. There are times when our families must come first and writing gets put on the back burner. But, 2022 is going to be a great year!

Mary Morgan said...

Diane, you have no idea how much it means that I'm not ALONE!!! What a crazy year! Yet if I look back, I've been in this hectic, writing, marketing, manic and disciplined work schedule since Borders Books closed for me. I was writing even while working. When I closed the doors to Borders on Sept. 11, 2011, I concentrated fully on my writing career. It helped ease the pain of the closure as well.

The years caught up to me. I gave myself permission to take a looonnnggg break, lol! Much needed and I know 2022 will see a much brighter, focused, and different Mary when it comes to everything.

Hugs back to you!

Mary Morgan said...

Exactly, Diane! Families do come first! Linking my arm within yours. Stay strong and positive, Diane. Hugs!

Maureen said...

This year has been crazy! Happy Holidays and thank you for sharing!

Tena Stetler said...

Hugs Mary, Nancy and Diane. I hate to say it, but it feels comforting to know I'm not the only one. This year has been the year from hell for me and my family, both professionally and physically. Whew, it can't be over soon enough. Taking a partial break (feels weird) from now to the first of the year to reorganize and reassess goals. This too is the first year I don't have a Christmas tale released. Take care and stay strong, hopefully 2022 will bring good things.

Jessica E. Subject said...

The past two years have been tough with this pandemic, and it has affected everyone in different ways. Take care of your health and happiness first. The words will come back when you're ready for them again. I hope that 2022 is a much better year for you!

Mary Morgan said...

Definitely crazy, Maureen, but also illuminating. Happy Holidays! xo

Mary Morgan said...

Enjoy your break, Tena. Maybe it was time for many writers to reevaluate where they were going? Hope you're doing better. Hugs!

Mary Morgan said...

Thanks, Jessica. xo I almost tossed in the towel and walked away from writing this year. Yet it was the little things--from the nagging voices from my characters to the unexpected letters from my readers. I came back home to my writing, though I'm taking it slowly during this time of year. I'm enjoying the holidays and not berating myself (I'm a horrible taskmaster) for not being in the writing cave daily.

Nightingale said...

I've definitely had better years. And my writing has been frozen, too, but is now coming back. Your highland holiday romance looks like just the thing to put everyone in the holiday spirit.

Mary Morgan said...

It seems like many writers went through the same this year, Linda. I'm thrilled to hear your writing has returned. Hugs!