Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me from Obi-Wan and Stranger Things! by Nancy Gideon

How did they know this was just what I wanted?! It’s as if the Universe knew how to turn a new year into a glorious celebration. A new year for me, that is, as I turn sixty-(mumble, mumble) on Friday. After a dearth of reruns for the past two years, FINALLY a flood of new stuff to inspire this fiction writer’s soul!

 As much as I adore falling into a good book, having a good story appear on the small screen, walking and talking, has always been the creative gold standard to me. From the early days of Black & White on two channels where the fam huddled around that huge cabinet while my dad fussed with the antenna, to more channels than I’ve had birthdays to click on or stream, television (and to a lesser, more expensive extent, movies) stirred the writer’s imagination in me.

What if . . . ?

My curiosity always leapt beyond what I had in front of me. What if money could grow on the trees in my backyard? What if Harry had never met Sally? What if the South won the Civil War? What if computers took over the world? What if I could go back in time? What if I was stranded on a deserted island with only seven things and Harrison Ford was one of them?

My greatest fear about getting older is losing that sense of curiosity. That need to know and explore and ask questions (other than “What day is this?” or “Did I remember to put on pants?”). I’m not ready to worry, yet. Because I still have other planets to explore, other lives to live, other books to read (and write!). And other meals to make . . . which is where I have to head in a few minutes before the cats decide they are going to starve, and they’d better start feasting on my bare feet!)

So, my birthday wish for me (and for you, as they come up on the calendar)? An endless supply of imagine! And that excitement that comes along with it!

Here’s to new adventures and the places they take us!!
Nancy Gideon on the Web


Diane Burton said...

Happy Birthday, Nancy. The first time I saw a television I was 9 or 10. My grandparents drove up from St. Louis with a not-very-portable TV on their backseat. Wow. It was so amazing. Of course, not to be one upped, my dad had to get a television. Howdy Doody and Milky's movie party. Soupy Sales at lunchtime. In high school, my BFF and I wrote our own episodes of Bonanza, Route 66, and 77 Sunset Strip. The memories you evoked from your post! Thank you for that trip down Memory Lane. Hope you have a fun day!

Nancy Gideon said...

Running home after school to see Dark Shadows then call my bestie to rehash every second of it! Those were the days!

Jessica E. Subject said...

Wishing you a fabulous birthday, Nancy!

Imagination is a great thing most of the time, but can get me into trouble when I'm supposed to be paying attention. LOL Looking forward to Obi-Wan as well!