Thursday, August 4, 2022

Productive Procrastination...or Eat the Frog


By Maureen Bonatch

The first time I heard ‘eat the frog’, I had the same grimace you’re wearing now if you’re unfamiliar with the meaning of this expression. Now I can say it with ease without making that face—until today when I saw a similar reference for avoiding procrastination that referenced ‘eat an elephant beetle’. This left me wondering why eating something most unpleasant seems to be the motivator for preventing procrastination. 

Both of these expressions refer to that task that we put off. You know the one. 

It needs to be done, but it might feel like a lot of work, or there’s something easier or more enjoyable that you’d rather do first. Often this leads to many other little tasks that get completed while that big ole’ frog is still sitting there ribbit-ing at you to pay attention to it. (I am not sure what sound an elephant beetle makes. After taking a peek at a picture of one of those buggers, I’d prefer not to eat that either.)


Sometimes in avoidance, I’ll tackle many tadpole tasks, so it feels like I’m getting something done. Although in the back of my mind, I knew that the giant frog would be waiting for me tomorrow. 

Writing this blog right now is one way I avoid finishing the last 15 thousand words of a story draft. As a panster (a writer who outlines little but instead writes by the seat of her pants), sometimes the words flow like a flood, while other times I sit waiting for the character to tell me what happens next. And sometimes, those stubborn fools just don’t want to share. Or I think I know what’s coming up, and they laugh at the choppy words that are later deleted. 

Productive Procrastination

Many who aren’t authors envision days of just writing the words. Ahh…we writers know there are days like that, but usually, that’s not every day since there are sooo many other tasks that need to be addressed. 

It’s easy to avoid a big task by detouring to other little jobs that still need doing. Things like reworking or writing a blurb, making ads, making graphics, editing, social media posting, looking for book covers, and listening to educational podcasts or other courses… Or—oh—start this new shiny story because it’s so much better than the current one. The last is my current dilemma. Some other characters want their story started.

But alas, this list of ways to procrastinate is endless. Doing these might help to feel productive, but the frog? Yep. Still waiting. 

Working Through Procrastination

The idea of eating a frog (or a huge beetle) is to start the day by tackling the most dreaded task first …and then complete the other tasks without the weight of that task dragging you down. 

The key is finding what works to provide enough motivation to get it done, such as:

  • Find something tastier than a frog: Decide upon a reward for yourself
  • Hide from the tadpoles: Minimize distractions by shutting down social media and other windows
  • Face the frog: Admit you’ve been procrastinating, and then tackle it
  • Make a deal with the frog: Commit to completing the task- tell a friend for accountability 
  • Picture giving the frog the boot: Change dread to the excitement of imagining how you’ll feel once it’s done
  • Magically turn the frog into tadpoles: Break it into smaller tasks, so it’s not as overwhelming

Who Starts the Day Eating the Frog? Or How Do You Deal with Procrastination?

Psst! Here’s some cool things to procrastinate with! 

A Cagey CATastrophe is available for Preorder- click right here to check it out!

Look-ey, Look-ey! It's a Giveaway! Check it out by clicking right here.

Did someone say Free Cozy Mysteries? Click right here to check them out!

M.L. Bonatch believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and caffeine and wine are essential for survival. When she’s not doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, she’s a mom to twin daughters, exploring the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby and dancing as much as possible. She writes paranormal cozy mysteries as  M.L. Bonatch, paranormal romance and other genres as Maureen Bonatch, and her latest urban fantasy as Amber Wrath.

Be the first to know about Maureen’s book sales and new releases by following her on BookBub, Amazon and/or signing up for her newsletter


Nancy Gideon said...

This makes me think of some ridiculous bit of memory about "Lick the toad," some weird thing my boys picked up from TV when they were kids. What a great way to think of that dreaded Thing That Must Be Done. Just get it over with and move on. Right now that big fat toad is my work laptop sitting on my supposed to be working desk which I've been avoiding for over a month. Well it's off to critique partner's next week and feet first back into WIP with no excuses. I've got a book to finish! Ribbit.

Maureen said...

lol- thanks for visiting Nancy. Good luck with your toad!

Diane Burton said...

That toad is sitting on my laptop. I play the procrastination game every morning. Instead of opening the file for my WIP, I check enail, FB, play a little Solitaire, oh, it's time for lunch . . . You get the picture. Opening the file 1st thing would go a long way toward ending procrastination.

Maureen said...

lol thanks for visiting. I need to do the same thing- open the file before I get distracted. Good luck with your toad!