Monday, July 10, 2023

Beyond Boundaries: Discover the Enchanting Universe of Qhasheik's Pod by Keri Kruspe


This month I wanted to spotlight my latest release, the novella Qhasheik’s Pod.

This book is special to me since it’s my first attempt at writing a novella. I’d never published a short story around 30,000 words before and was worried I’d screw it up. To make it more challenging, Qhasheik’s Pod is a love story different from anything I’ve written before. It explores a throuple relationship between one female and two males—all aliens.

Nary a human in sight.

Good thing my characters made it easy. 

The trio was first introduced in Alien Legacy: The Vampire. There we find they raised the heroine of the story, Jelena, and ended up a predominant part of it. They’re also have a huge part at the end of the series in Alien Legacy: The Mage.

By the time that series ended, there were still some unanswered questions involving our three lovers. How did they meet? Did they fall in love right away? How did they all end up in the hidden city on the moon?

That’s just some questions about these guys that I deliberately left handing when the series ended. Not to mention how I couldn’t get the three of them out of my mind. I swear they forced me to sit down and write their story.

Nagging little buggers.

Ah, well. Let me introduce the main characters of Qhasheik’s Pod to you. Best way to start is with Qhasheik himself.


Qhasheik, a male Ibbin from Peinuewei, is the captain of the merchant spaceship, Phytro. He and his crew of three other males are suddenly caught in a massive power wave that threatens to destroy them. Desperate for a way out, they spot a rogue planet and hastily head towards it in hope of making a safe landing. 

Sadly, their journey ends in disaster. When Qhasheik regains consciousness, he discovers instead of safely landing, his ship is destroyed on a planet called Akurn. And him the only survivor. Taken into custody by the strange-looking aliens, he’s sold into slavery.

I found Qhasheik to be an unforgettable protagonist. He's a smartass who doesn't fear the opinions of others, confident in himself and his decisions. But, while he might appear to be invincible, there is a chink in his armor. With his home planet gone, he struggles to come to terms with the overwhelming grief of losing his people. And as the sole Ibbin on Akurn, he finds his solitude crippling, at times more than he can bear.

That is until he meets Abiditan.


            Abiditan appears to have it all. The second-born son of a high-ranking family on the rogue planet Akurn. He has wealth, is handsome beyond belief, and considered being one of the key minds in the nobility.

            He’s also labeled unclean, an outcast. The Akurns are a bigoted society where anyone who doesn’t fit into their idea of perfection runs the risk of being executed. Even with something as small as having been born with two separate eye colors. One eye is a normal blue green hue of an Akurn but the other is steel-metal gray. Even this minute deviation is considered an abomination, especially among the upper class. He may have the unwavering love of a doting family, but the longer he stays on Akurn, the more he not only puts his life in danger, but those of his loyal family as well. In a desperate attempt to avoid execution, he fakes his death and joins other rebels from Akurn to start up a hidden city underneath the Earth’s moon.

            There he meets and falls in love with Qhasheik. They form a tight bond and are positive life couldn’t get any better. That is until they meet Katsuki. 


            Katsuki comes from the planet Runihura, a matriarchy society that is first introduced in Chloe’s Turn. She comes from a successful family that owns and operates a mining colony on one of their moons called Narkata. We meet Katsuki coming back from a vacation on a pleasure planet with her college bound daughter when their spaceship suffers unexpected engine problems. She and her daughter would have died in space if it weren’t for a rogue planet answering their stress call.

To their horror, they find themselves on the infamous planet Akurn known to be a highly patriarchal society that refuses to provide women, especially aliens like Katsuki and her daughter, any rights. Both are arrested and sold into slavery for being unclaimed females. To make matters worse, the Akurns separated them. Just before Katsuki is sold into the pleasure houses infamous for their brutality, she’s given the opportunity to join some Akurn rebels to create a hidden society on Earth’s moon. Now, with some semblance of freedom, she believes she’ll have the resources to find her daughter.

            After settling on the moon city, Katsuki stumbles on Qhasheik and Abiditan. From the moment she meets them, she knows they are her aruu, her eternal mates. 

            Qhasheik claims his two companions are now part of his “pod”, a bond the Ibbin’s calls their immediate family.

From There...

            The series that this novella stems from finishes with the liberation of all Akurns from the harsh monarchy of Sub Prince Murduk. At the request of the ruling galactic government called the Federation Consortium, our three heroes are instructed to take the vile villain to Katsuki’s matriarchy home planet for sentencing.

            And that’s when the fun begins….



Nancy Gideon said...

I am endlessly impressed by the originality of your characters and their exploits. This sounds like a must read to me!!

Jessica E. Subject said...

Gotta love when secondary characters insist their story be told. Sounds great!