Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Monday??

Happy Labor Day everyone, I hope to find you relaxing and enjoying your day having fun with family and friends. I, on the other hand, have seemed to have lost control of everything. I went from void to clutter over night last week.

Where did it all begin I wondered? At the Atlanta airport, of course, isn’t that where everything begins? Stuck between flights, by myself, while tropical storm Danny wrecked my plans for the day, me and a pad of paper got reacquainted. The outline of a thirty chapter book was created, the story and character arc, and their GMCs got listed. Now said yellow paged pad of paper is guarded and never leaves my purse. It will have a home there for at least eight months until every idea I scribbled down has been absorbed and recreated into my story.

That event started a careening boulder of crazy through my life starting with a five day whirl wind trip to Wichita KS for a family reunion, which included a three day drive back home with my kids. Can you spell MIGRAINE? My oldest picked up a virus on my lap top while surfing YouTube that lead to two sleepless nights on the phone with my brother in Canada teaching me the finer things of virus clean up.

I got home just in time to start my stretch of shifts at my day job. Hip-hip hoorah! Why unpack? I asked my husband. We’re only leaving again next week for Disney. Just leave it all in the suitcase. I’ll wash it and fold back in the bags. LOL. So I’m cramming eighty five hours of work in seven days so we can go on vacation.

All a little nuts but doable, I expected the car ride and the long work hours. The virus took me off guard but I forgot about the writing. My regular life got so crazy. When I finally could open my e-mails I found my edits for a book.

I love writing. It’s my fun. Even in all this crazy, time constraining, headache inducing week I squeezed in some creative moments. The edits are almost done and I wrote the mermaid/werewolf story, which took a life of its own but that’s another post and it is in the critique process this week. I drank my coffee, ate breakfast with the family, and started the long day of cleaning house but wait… today is not Sunday…it’s Monday.

OMG, my blog!!!

Where did my void go?


Sandra Sookoo said...

Congrats on coming out of the void. Have fun in Disney. :-) I gotta get back to my own busy now :-)

J Hali Steele said...

I hate those damn viruses! But sounds like you're getting it all back together. Just think how wonderful vacation will be...all the relaxing you'll do. Right?

Rebecca Royce said...

So glad you're coming out of the void and out of the Atlanta airport. Sheesh. Keep your head up, you're amazing!

Sandy said...

Hey, Carole, you weren't too far from me when you were in Wichita. I was born in KS, so I'm a transplanted Kansasn. Grin.

Glad you're out of the void and the airport. You're definitely on the move a lot. Have fun at Disney.

LM Spangler said...

Sorry I'm late for this but I'm glad you got our of your void. Your vacation sounds like it'll be right on time!

Have a great vacation!


Rae Lori said...

Lol I love the pic!

Hope you are getting some rest and relaxation, Annie! This weekend went by way too fast I think!