Friday, November 10, 2023

Myths to Pages: Unveiling Hidden Legends by Keri Kruspe


Whenever anyone asks me why I adore paranormal romance, I’m completely honest with them. With things around us getting crazier every day, to keep what little sanity I have left I’ve got to have an outlet where I can escape in a realm where reality and imagination intertwine. A place full of captivating stories that transport me beyond the ordinary. And I’m not talking just about well-known paranormal creatures like vampires and werewolves, even though they are still some of my favorites. Besides them there exists a treasure trove of lesser-known myths, legends, and cultural folklore that are waiting to be unearthed and woven into the tapestry of the paranormal romance narratives.

Today we’ll embark on a journey of discovery and explore the art of how we can find and adapt these hidden gems into our own writing. My intent is to not only showcase how this genre is captivating readers with twists in their enchanting tales, but how we can weave them into our own stories.

At the end I’ll share some recommendations that got me started on this journey.

Unearthing Forgotten Legends

Orisha Deity

First, as a writer, how do we find new and exciting legends to delve into? In today’s ability to delve into any subject at the touch of a keyboard, it’s easy enough to examine other cultures we aren’t familiar with! Deep in the depths of thousands of ancient cultures as well as regional folklore, the world is brimming with stories that have yet to be told. If we go beyond the familiar tales of Western mythology, there are rich narratives of African, Asian, Indigenous, and other cultures. For instance, the Kitsune of Japanese folklore, shapeshifting fox spirits, offer a captivating twist on the classic shifter trope. The Yoruba tradition's Orisha deities, with their intricate personalities and powers, have intense tales that add layers of depth to any character. Just look at the thriving popularity of Japanese anime to see what I mean.

Best of all, by unearthing these forgotten legends, we can infuse any paranormal romance with a global mosaic that can’t help but attract a new base.

Weaving Cultural Authenticity

As with any new endeavor that involves a culture you aren’t familiar with, it's vital to approach them with sensitivity and respect. I know how excited I get when I’m researching a new idea. I try to understand the historical, cultural, and societal contexts where these myths originate. If you can, engage with experts and immerse yourself in their expertise. That way you not only enrich your writing but also honor the cultures that have nurtured these stories for generations.

Breathing Life into Characters

Hidden legends offer a trove of inspiration for character development. The figures within these myths often possess unique attributes, flaws, and motivations that can serve as a blueprint for any paranormal romance protagonists as well as the villains. For example, drawing from the Slavic myth of Rusalka, a water nymph can bring both love and danger to your story. She’s a complex character who struggles with her dual nature. Here’s an interplay of light and darkness that adds layers of complexity, making her more relatable and engaging to readers.

Redefining Supernatural Powers

This is one I struggle with all the time. How to I make this age-old legend and turn it into something new and exciting? Incorporating lesser-known myths lets me reimagine the supernatural powers that drive any character. The Irish Banshee, for instance, could have premonition powers that come with a haunting cost, adding depth and tension to any romantic journey.

Creating a Richer Story World

A paranormal romance isn't just about characters. It's also about the world they live in. Hidden legends can serve as the foundation for building intricate and immersive story worlds. Especially for someone like me who writes SciFi romance, a sub-genre under the paranormal umbrella. Without this key element, my romance adventures fall flat. I’ve got to work through the architecture, landscapes, and societies of other worlds that inspire my fictional settings. I may adapt elements like mystical forests, ancient temples, or ethereal realms as a backdrop where my romance unfolds. My goal is to take my readers in a world that is both magical as well as believable.

Tapping into Emotional Resonance

This is a biggie for me. One of the greatest advantages of our cultural legends lies in their ability to evoke deep emotions. Many of these stories are steeped in themes of love, sacrifice, betrayal, and longing—themes that resonate powerfully with readers. As a writer, I do my best to adapt these narratives so I can capture the essence of these emotional currents. My intent is to layer the narrative and infused them into the relationships, conflicts, and journeys of my heroes. By doing so, I strive to create a profound connection that lingers with readers long after they've turned the last page.


In the realm of paranormal romance, where imagination reigns supreme, the sky (or universe!) is the limit for creating boundless storytelling. By venturing beyond the well-trodden paths of popular mythology and delving into the hidden legends of cultures around the world, it’s easy to unearth a wealth of inspiration that can invigorate anyone’s writing. Keep in mind any adaptation requires diligence, respect, and creativity. But, oh the rewards are immeasurable. Now you’ll have a tapestry of characters, worlds, and emotions that captivate readers and breathe fresh life into the genre.

So, embark on this journey of discovery! Let the hidden legends guide your pen to create tales that enchant, intrigue, and touch the hearts of all who read them.

And, as promised, here is a small handful of some of my favorite paranormal romances that started me on my paranormal romance journey:

Leave your comments here... we'd all love to hear your recommendations!


Nancy Gideon said...

When I was a new reader in elementary school, when our class would go to the library, the first place I'd head was the section on myths and legends. At a parent/teacher conference, my teacher expressed her concern that I was reading way over my head in areas that weren't appropriate - to which my mom replied - If I could understand the concept, I could read the book. Score One Mom!! Myths and legends books are responsible for my imagination . . . and my biceps!!

Keri Kruspe said...

I love your moms answer! I think if more children are encouraged to read what interests them, we'd have a happier society! Thanks Nancy. :)

Jessica E. Subject said...

Great post, Keri! Books have always been an escape from reality for me, and writing them a way to turn the multiple thoughts in my head into something physical that others can see. The paranormal and sci-fi worlds have been the most intriguing because of many of the reasons you've mentioned. I especially enjoy the cultural aspects, and I find every author weaves those details into their stories differently.